Teenage Dirtbag 2

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Harry's POV

"Did you get Braxton ready?" I heard Zayn yelling to Louis in the next room.

I straightened my tie and hoped with all of my heart that he was ready. I didn't need anything else to stress out about.

Braxton was Zayn and Louis' 4 year old son. After the two of them were married about 2 years ago, they adopted Braxton from a sweet teenage girl who got pregnant a little too early for her to handle. He was Louis and Zayn's entire world and I was basically an uncle to him, so it only seemed fit that he be in my wedding.

I sighed, then looked into the mirror as I straightened out my tie and suit jacket. I was getting married today and it was so surreal.

My curly brown mop of hair was slicked back a bit, my lips were slightly chapped, and for today, I had traded out my boring old glasses for a pair of contact lenses. I didn't wear contacts very often, but today I was glad that I even owned any.

I looked in the mirror nervously, afraid that something would go wrong.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said, turning around and waiting for the knocker to enter.

It was Louis, Zayn, and Braxton. Braxton was in Louis' arms and he looked adorable in his little tux with a Mohawk style in his hair.

"You ready man?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah." I lied. "Just give me a second. I'll meet you guys outside in a few minutes."

"Alright." Louis said, closing the door as they exited.

Was I ready for this day? I thought I was. But now I'm having second thoughts. Allie was a great girl and I was so thankful for her. But she wasn't Taylor. When I asked Allie to marry me, I really wanted to marry her. But now, not so much.

Just a week ago, Taylor had returned to town after graduating from Pace University in New York City. She had showed up on my doorstep, a huge smile on her face.

"You haven't heard...?" I asked her, having a hard time speaking.

"Heard what?" She asked.

"Tay... I'm, I'm getting married next week."

After that she walked off of my front porch, tears in her eyes.

That's all that keeps replaying in my head. In reality, I had left her. But it felt like SHE was the one ripping MY heart out.

I took one more deep breath before walking out the door and towards my wedding.

As soon as Allie walked down the aisle, almost all thoughts about Taylor were gone. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her gown was strapless and hugged her body until her waistline before flowing out at the ends. Her long dark brown hair were in perfect curls. Louis and Zayn stood by my side, Braxton still in Louis' arms.

"How did you end up so lucky?" Louis said, leaning over and whispering in my ear.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to keep all eyes on my bride.

All of our family members and friends were here and everyone in this place had their eyes on Allie.

When she reached her wonderful parents to give her off to me, I wanted so badly to kiss her, but I knew I couldn't just yet.

I took her hands and the preacher proceeded with the ceremony.

"I thank you all for being here as we welcome these two in Holy Matrimony." He said.

Allie and I both looked out into the crowd, smiling.

But my smile quickly faded when I saw Taylor sitting in one of the pews in the back, her head rested on Niall's shoulder.

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