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"Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they can only make you stronger." 


Lee Hae Hee

"You all may go; your class ends here." Our homeroom teacher, Mr Lim announced and all the students immediately ran out of the classroom. I packed my bag and was about to leave the classroom but Mr Lim called me, "Yes, Mr Lim?" I asked.

"Hae Hee, I didn't want to say this to you but your orphanage didn't pay for the school fee last month. You will not be able to take your college entrance examination if the fee is not paid by next month." He sighed.

"Oh about that, because I am supposed to leave the orphanage last month. So I guess they just stop supporting me then." I smile awkwardly. "Oh dear, I am sorry to hear about that Hae Hee. Please tell me if you need my help. I will tell the school to give you more time." He assured. I nodded and bowed.

I sighed after he left. Oh well, Lee Hae Hee! This is nothing new! You can do it! I smile and continue to walk to the cafeteria.

I need to have my meal here before going off since there is free food in the cafeteria today!

"Good afternoon, Ahjumma!" I greeted the aunties distributing the food. "Oh, Hae Hee ah! I have the food here prepared!" Kim Ahjumma said and pass me a plate full of sides dishes and rice. "Woah, there this is too much!" I beamed. "You need to eat more Hae Hee ah!" She said and patted my back. She is the nicest to me here, just like my family member.

I smile and give her a hug, "Thank you Ahjumma!" I took the tray and walk towards my seat, at the corner whereby there is no one will notice. "Lee Hae Hee." I look up the bunch of girls approaching me. "We will sit here." So Hun said and took a seat at the same table as me.

Others think that they are bullying me, but honestly saying, they are not. Verbally bullying has no effect on me because I am used to it. They have never physically bullied me, so I am fine with them around me.

"Woah, there is so much cholesterol and fats in your dishes. The side dishes are the scariest among all. Look at the Bulgogi, all the oil is still dripping. Gosh. How can you eat this?" One of the girls said and sighed while looking at me. "Ah, I am fine with it though. I like it." I replied with a smile.

"Aish, I think you are the only girl in this world still eating such a diet. Do you want more? I can give you mine." She said and pass me hers. "Thank you." I nodded. "Me too!" the rest of the girls started passing their meat. "Hae Hee ah, I really think that you need to be on your diet so badly. Look at your appearing double chin and your stomach. And let's not start with your thighs, they look so much from the Zoo." So Hun said with a sighed and shook her head.

I smile while they started laughing at what they comment about me. It's okay, Hae Hee ah. They are just so pathetic; they need to take it all out on you. They started to chat about their group, their life while I was eating. They just treat me as invisible, as always.

"I will go first, guys," I said and stood up once I finished my meal. So Hun just nodded at me and continue talking to her friends. I took up my bag and went back to the orphanage, I can finally get some rest after a long day of school!


"You know, Hae Hee ah, this is the last time I am telling you to please leave the orphanage. There is not enough space for you to keep staying here, you know?" Mrs Jo lectured and I nodded. "Yes, I will Mrs Jo. I just need a week to find a place to stay. Please?" I begged.

"A week is all I can give you, please leave before my superior actually do something that I wish she does not do to you, okay?" She sighed and give me a painful glare before storming away.

I sighed and lowered my head, I guess I can't even rest peacefully here. But, Hae Hee ah, you will be fine, just find a place and move out of here! It's not like they treat me very well here! I nodded at my thought and ran to my room.

I lied down on my bed, well I have my own room, actually, it's like a storeroom though. I wonder why they want me out so badly but to be honest, I am sure they will not let anyone else stay in this kind of room because they might actually go and lodge a complaint.

Actually, it is reasonable why they treat me this way.

When I was only a few months old, someone left me outside of this orphanage, and I have been a very sickly child, they really have a hard time taking care of me. As time pass, my friends in the orphanage has been adopted, except me.

The caretaker of the orphanage hates me, I know.

At the age of 7 years old, someone actually adopted me, a very young couple that has no children. They took care of me really well, but as they get together day by day, they start to have fights and arguments that involve me. That was when they feel that I was not the child that they want.

It was thankful that at least they place me back into the orphanage but not outside in the streets. I still remember how the caretaker in the orphanage facial expression was like when she sees me again. I didn't get any food for 3 days.

I was adopted again when I was 10 years old by an old couple that has no children. They look like the nicest person alive. But neither did I know, how they look was just an act to make other people feel that they were nice.

They were the scariest human. They tortured me, verbally and physically. One day, they threatened to throw me off the building and tell others that I accidentally fall. I ran away from the house and spent a few days outside before reaching the orphanage. I don't know where to go.

The caretaker got angry that she locked me up at the basement for a few days, not wanting to listen to the reason why I ran away. Even after she released me from the basement, she makes me stay in the storeroom – which is my current room, and make sure that no one talks to me and I will never get adopted anymore.

"When will my life get better?" I sighed and stared out of the window. It's so dark and the moon is beautiful.


"Hello, EXO." A lady wearing a red dress was standing in front of the crowd. There were twelve guys at the front which attracts attention; they are EXO. "My greetings, Letylie." They all greeted in unison.

Everyone bowed at the name of Letylie, she is the founder of the immortal world. Everyone in the immortal world has to give her respect. It was told that whoever that disobey her will get into huge trouble.

"We are here today to announce the new mate of EXO," Letylie announced and the crowd immediately went noisy.

EXO is their legendary strong team, a good collaboration made of twelve guys that have different types of power respectively. They are strong, so strong that it was told that they will need a mate that is even stronger than them, an extraordinary mate.

"And now, I will announce their mate, an immortal human. Her name is Lee Hae Hee." She said with her famous smirk. "Lee Hae Hee?" They all look up at Letylie with shocked faces. "Yes, Lee Hae Hee. She is an immortal human, I think this is enough information, you all need to find her and bond with her so that your soul can combine with each other when the eclipse starts." She instructed and disappear.

Everyone in the hall starts to whisper, thinking that the mate that Letylie give to them should be someone that is as gorgeous as the prettiest woman in the immortal world.


Thank you for all your support and votes in the previous chapter! This is the first chapter I promise! And I will certainly give you updates whenever I get internet connection/free! 

I hope this first chapter meets your expectation! :) 


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