Epilogue I

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This is the NOT, I say again NOT the last chapter.

I will be posting the part of the epilogue together with this part so please continue reading. And I really hope you all will be happy with the last parts of the story. Sorry for the long wait too!




"Once upon a time... Happily ever after." 


6 years later

Hae Hee

"Can I have a cup of water please?" I sighed, "Eae Xion ah, mummy will get it for you instead okay?" I smile as I walk towards the kitchen with him tagging along beside me. I pass the cup of water to him and help him on the chair. "Mummy, where are all the daddies?" He asked. "They are attending an important meeting, but they will be back tomorrow. You miss them?" I asked as I pat his head. 

He nodded vigorously, "Daddies have been away for so long, I miss them." He pouted but continue, "Mummy, do you miss them too?" I nodded, "I miss them as you do, but I am glad that you are around to accompany me." I replied. "I am also happy to have mummy with me." He smiles widely. 

The guys have been away for almost a week as they need to attend a meeting with my brother.  Initially, they wanted to bring Eae Xion along with them so I could rest, since now our baby princess is on the way and they are afraid that I would feel tired. I definitely miss them a lot, but thankfully, Eae Xion has been here to keep me busy.

Just when I was about to check on when they are coming back again, Suho sends me a mind message telling me that they are coming home tonight. I was beyond excited, I quickly went to find Eae Xion. Upon telling him this news he immediately asked me, "Mummy, can I touch the baby?" I nodded. And right when Eae Xion touches my stomach, our little princess gave a little response. And weirdly enough, when the guys do this nothing like this happened. "Mummy! The baby moved just now, can I tell daddy later?" He asked and I nodded again. I bet they will get jealous this time.

After I put Eae Xion for a nap and went into my personal room and rested on the bed. Time passed really fast here, I wonder how is it like if I were to stay at the mortal world. And if I could meet them there as a complete mortal with them, how would our ending be like.

A lot of people and Eae Xion asked me if I were to choose only one of them, who would I have chosen. To be honest, this question came through my mind but since there was no answer I didn't want to ponder that much.

Just then I heard a commotion coming from downstairs. I quickly teleported to the staircase and peek to see what was going on. I realized seven familiar figures walking around.

"Guys!" I shouted. "Hae Hee!" Jackson saw me and gave me a hug tightly, I hugged him back as well. I hugged them one by one while holding back not cry. It has been years since I last saw them. But a few of them seem a little different.

"Did something happened?" I asked. Jinyoung smiled, "Well, some of us already have a mate." "Oh my god! What! Who is it?" I beamed. "Me, Youngjae, Yugyeom, Bambam and Jaebum," Jinyoung replied. I gasped, "What?! I can't believe my ears. But it wasn't one mate for all but one mate each! Heck, that's nice." I said. Bambam nodded, "I bet those vampires wish there were twelve Hae Hee(s) so they don't have to share." I nodded, "Well, they do. But too bad."

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