"The people that are quick to walk away are the ones that never intended to stay."
Do Kyungsoo
"So, when are going to the mortal world?" Sehun asked as he smiles excitedly. "We will go the day after tomorrow. We just have to find our mate, Lee Hae Hee." Suho replied. "Her name sounds so gentle and nice; I think she is a kind girl." Lay voiced out as he heals the flowers at the side and brings them alive.
"Yeah, I think she is really pretty," Tao said. "Obviously she will be, I am pretty sure Letylie will not give us someone that is ugly." Kris winked and smile. "I think it will be okay even if she is not as pretty as we thought. We just need someone kind-hearted and nice." Chen replied.
"If she isn't pretty, that means that she is ugly, and that means I am not going to have her as my mate," Baekhyun commented. "YAH, you all cannot care too much on how she will be looking like, as long as she is nice and kind, I am sure we will be happy with her around," I said. "I agree!" Lay and Xiumin raised their hands up. "Me too!" Suho raised his hands up and pull Chanyeol's hand too.
"We are leaving," Kris said as Luhan, Tao and Kai stood up. "Where?" I asked. "Pub, at the north. There are strippers tonight, we planned to each get one of them. Do you want to come along?" Kai said with a smirk. "Aish, seriously. You guys can't play like this after you all have a mate. She will be so much in pain-" "Alright, I know." Luhan said and the four of them disappeared.
"Wait for me!" Chanyeol beamed and disappeared. "They never learn, don't they?" Suho sighed. "Why didn't you follow them?" I asked Baekhyun as he sighed, "I am trying to control myself for Hae Hee." He smiles cheekily and lied down on his bed. "I am glad you are doing this!" Chen smile and lie beside him.
"I am excited to know who is she though! What do you think she is like?" Lay exclaimed and smile like a fool. "I think she has a heart like a fairy!" Sehun beamed and grin like a father. "Me too! I am sure we will like her the moment we see her!" Xiumin continued.
Lee Hae Hee
"Good morning, nice to meet you." I bowed at the housing agent. "Oh, good morning. You are Hae Hee, right? Miss Lee." He smiles. "Yes, I am." I nodded, "I am Ha Seo. You can call me Agent Ha or Seo." He said and gestured me to walk towards the apartment. "This is one of the apartment I told you. The owner wants to rent the whole apartment out for 3 years." He said and walk in the apartment with me.
The apartment is not too big, and there is only one room. But it feels cosy enough for me to just stay here alone.
"How much is the rent?" I asked. "It's about 350,000 won per month, inclusive of electricity and water." He explained. "Woah, okay. I will take this apartment, when can I move?" "You can move in as soon as I receive your deposit and your first-month rental." He said and give me his name card with his account number.
"Thank you." I bowed as we walked separate ways.
I sighed for the thousandth times today, this place is a little too far from my school though. I have to wake up early to travel to school every day.
I settled down at a small abandoned stadium behind my apartment. Taking out my notebook, I sat to plan down what I am going to use the leftover money I have in my account to do. Luckily I saved money while walking part-time last few years during the holidays and earned quite a lot, at least enough for me to pay the deposit and rental as well as survive for a few weeks. I still have to find a job in order for me to stay there for the long term.
"Hi!" A voice called and I look up. It's a guy, I stared at him and look behind me. "Are you talking to me?" I asked him and frowned. He nodded, "Is there anyone that I can't see?" I shook my head, "Ah, hi. You are?" I smile at him.
"I stay there!" He pointed at the apartment beside mine. "Oh? So we are neighbours!" I smile at him and he walks closer. "Yeah, I heard from Agent Ha. I stay there with my brothers! By the way, my name is Jackson. You?" He asked. "Oh, my name is Hae Hee, Lee Hae Hee," I replied.
"That's a beautiful name." He commented. "Thanks." I nodded at him and start to keep my stuff. "When are you moving in?" He asked. "Erm, soon! Maybe just another few more days?" I stood up. "Well, do you have a phone?" He asked and I nodded while taking it out.
He took it and type in some digit, "This is my number! Please tell me when you move it! We can have a welcome party! I mean, my brothers love Welcome party! Oh, and if anything happened and you need any help, you can call me!" He beamed. I nodded, "Sure. I will go now, see you again." I waved and walked off.
I sighed as I walk towards the bus stop, look at my thighs and my arms, I actually remembered what So Hun said. She isn't wrong though, some people actually doubt me if I was ill-treated in the orphanage because I was not small-sized, some underweight girl, I was overweight, like severely overweight.
If I were to see someone like me, I will definitely laugh and make fun of her. Because I will not know how much it hurts to hear someone making fun of you. But now I know. I just wonder, why am I like that? Especially when in this world, all that takes you far is appearance.
I sighed. "It's okay, Lee Hae Hee! You can do it! I am sure after you move here, you will just get a better life!" I smile and got onto the bus that was approaching.
Reaching my orphanage, I saw all my stuff outside of the doorstep. I ran towards them and place them in the baggage, thankfully I have very little stuff here. I knock onto the door and the caretaker that I hate appear in front of me with a smirk.
"Hae Hee ah, you are finally back. I am sorry, we couldn't give you one-week time. And trust us, we have no choice but to do this. Good luck with your future." She smirked and close the door.
I walked towards the library near here with my baggage. I stand outside at the waiting area and look through my phone to see if anyone can help me. Suddenly someone bumps into me which causes my phone and baggage to drop on the floor.
I look up, realising that it is an old lady. She is in very thin and dirty clothing. "Aigoo, I am sorry Miss. My knees hurt so I-" I cut her and shook my head, "No, it's okay, grandma. I am fine, are your knees alright? Oh, wait." I said and I bring her to sit down on the seat by the side.
"Yes, I am alright now. Why are you alone, Miss?" She asked. I sighed and look at her with a smile, "Well, I got chase out of my place. Aish, but that is nothing, I am sure I will get some help from someone." I replied casually with a smile.
"I am sure something good will happen to you, Miss." She said and was about to stand up. "Oh grandma, wait!" I rummage through my baggage and found a thick coat that I brought last few months. "You can take this!" I said and pass her the coat. "But this looks expensive. No, Miss. I can't accept this!" She exclaimed.
"It's okay, just take it. I just brought it, and I don't think I will wear it. You can take it first, the weather is so cold, with this thick coat, your knee will not hurt that often." I said and she smiles at me. "Thank you, Miss. You are really kind-hearted." She said and walked away with my coat.
Although I love this coat, I just have to give it to someone that needed it more than me. It's not like I don't have any coat, anyway. I smile at my own thought and continue searching.
Then, I realise, I do not have anyone in my contact only that guy - Jackson, that I met today.
Should I call him? But he is a stranger and I just knew him today... Aish, why didn't you socialise more in school? I bit my lip and thought for a while. Actually, even if he is a bad guy, at most he will just kill me, right? I have no money and I have no good looks!
Heheh second chapter. Rate this story from 1-10 (1-eww this story sucks; 10-omg fk i love this story) I'm fine with harsh comments; "it just makes me stronger." Like eww. Ok, whatever.
Please look forward to the next chapter!
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✔ Undesired Mate (EXO ft. GOT7)
Fiksi PenggemarHave you ever felt so worthless? "How much have you felt that you are undesired? You were sure they hated you, but what can they do if you are their unexpected mate. And they can't live without you, what will you do?" Lee Hae Hee, an OVERWEIGHT girl...