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Errors ahead
Hey back again for another chapter! Like I mentioned in my other books before, my updates will not be regular.

Please be patience and thank you all for waiting for me.
Wo ai ni men. ♡

Very late and delayed update!

"Just one day and it changed my life."

Hae Hee

"Why can't we be here when these flithy animals can?" Kai smirked and looked at those behind me, at the wolves. "What do you mean?!" Jinyoung grab him up by this collar. I went over to held onto Jinyoung's arm, panickly I look at him and beg him not to do anything foolish.

"I will let you go, on Hae Hee's account." Jinyoung breaths out heavily and stood behind me. "Lay, what are you all doing here?" I asked him. He give me his signature dimple smile again. "We came to find you. We want to join you all." Sehun replied.

I frowned, "What?" "Yes. Where were you all going to go next?" Suho asked. I looked at Jaebum and Mark who are glaring at both Kris and Kai. "I guess we need to go separate ways." I suggested. "Yes, I agree. Hae Hee, let's go." BamBam held my hand and when I was just about to walk with them, Chanyeol held my other hand. "Yah, let go." Jackson hissed.

"Why should I? You should let go, fli-" "Chanyeol!" I yelled his name to stop him from saying what wants to say next. That word will cause a fight scene.

Everyone looked at me either with a frown or just a blank look. Damn. I guess I have to think of a plan on the spot.

I held onto his arm and pull him to the corner where the others can't hear. I can already feel everyone is staring through a hole behind my back.

"Jaebum, why not you take the boys home? I will come back as soon as possible." I suggested. "What? Leave you alone with this bunch of blood-suckers?" He frowned. I shook my head, "No, I will just settle them a little. They are fine, Suho and rest are nice to me. They won't hurt me." I explained. He thought for a moment. "Okay. But just this time." He breaths out and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Just shout when you need us. We can hear it even if you are at the immortal world." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and we walk back to the rest.

"Guys, let's go back first." Jaebum said to the rest. "What? We are leaving her with this bunch of bl-" "It's okay, Mark. I will be back soon." I smile at him and he just frowned but nodded at me and the rest walked back with Jaebum with either a pout or a frown.

"Thank god we do not need to face this bunch of flithy animals." Kris smirked while he look at their back. "Well, stop calling them that. They are my friends." I look at them and lowered my head. "Whatever." He replied.

"Hae Hee, we are here to accompany you! Do you have any places you want go?" Sehun held onto my arm. I look at him and the rest, they seems anticipated. Even that almighty Kris.

"Erm.. I am not really sure. Do you guys have?" I asked and look at them. I am nervous, I am scared. Everytime they are nice to me, I just kept on thinking about the side note I made for myself.

"Why don't we go eat something?" Lay suggested. "Sure but what?" Baekhyun asked. "Hae Hee? Do you have any suggestions?" Kyungsoo asked. They all turned and looked at me.

"There is this regular restaurant I used to go, it sells very delicious tteobokki and Kimchi stew." I said. "Oh good! We can go there!" Tao beamed. Just when they are about to walk away, I ran in front of them and stopped them.

"But you all have to promise me something." I said and look at their reaction, which was just frowning. "Do not use your powers here. It's very dangerous." I sternly said. "We will try." Chanyeol sighed. The rest just looked at each and nod.

"Let's go."


"Aigoo Hae Hee ah!" I was embraced by a warm hug from the ahjumma in the restuarant. She is my only favourite person on earth. I know when she was working as a kitchen helper in the orphanage. She will always save food for me when I don't get any and tries to protect me from other kid's bullying.

For me, she is just like my mum.

"Ahjumma!" "It has been along time since you are here. Oh but who are they?" She pointed at the twelve of them. "O-Oh, they are my classmates, my friends." I smile and the rest just smile at her. Surprisely, Kris did the same.

"Oh! Wow, they are all good looking guys!" She pointed at Kris and the rest just laughed. "What is your name?" She asked him. "Kris." "Well, you look will look good with Hae Hee! How do you think-" "Ahjumma! Let's go in and eat! We are really hungry!" I beamed and pull her away before she ends her sentence.

"Oh, I can get you in the private cabin room." She said as she held my hands, leading us to the cabin right at the back of the restaurant.

We were sit-ted in a rectangle, and I am sitting right at the front of the table. Ahjumma told us we can order anything, and it will be on dutch. But I insisted we pay. And so, we ended up with a 50 percent discount off.

"What is good here?" Baekhyun asked. "Everything." I replied casually and looked at the menu. "We will just eat whatever you ordered." Kyungsoo said with a smile and the rest just nodded. "I go with you?" Xiumin asked. "It's fine. I can do it." I replied with a smile, stood up and went outside to order.

"As usual, ahjumma." I smiled as I pass her the menus. "As usual? Hm, I will just add some signature dishes inside, that will be on dutch alright." Before I could retored she point her finger at me. And I just nodded. "So, do they treat you well?" She asked as we were sitting near the counter after she ordered the kitchen to prepare.

I nodded. "Fine.. I guess?" "I can tell, they are not your classmates right?" "H-Huh?" I looked at her surprisingly. "Hon. You can't lie to me, remember?" She said as she held my hand gently. "I'm sorry. Just not sure how to say it. They are just something more than classmates but nothing beyond friends." I can see her disappointed face when I said it this way.

How am I supposed to tell her properly?

I walk towards the cabin after another customer went to order at the cashier. When I was outside the door, I heard commotion inside and a unfamiliar voice.

I opened the door and a lady occupied my seat.


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