"That's a thing about pain. It always demand to be felt."
Hae Hee
I opened my eye to see myself in an unfamiliar room, how I wished what I saw just now was just a dream. But where the heck am I? I look around the room, it was painted in white and red, a very elegant room."You're awake." Someone walked into the room holding onto a bag. "W-Who are you?" I asked. "Why are always asking the same question? I am Sehun, you can call me Hunie, anything you want to call." He smiles and walk towards me, passing me the bag.
Sehun? Wait, I met, Kyungsoo and Kris. Now this is Sehun. "What is this?" I pointed to the bag. "Clothes. You need to change, I wait for you outside, you change into this and come out, I will bring you to the rest. We will explain to you." He gives me his killer smile again before leaving the room.
I opened the bag, it was a blue and white checked baby doll dress that was above my knee. I sighed and wore it, letting my hair down. I stared at myself in the mirror, my glasses were out of place, hair was all tangled up, face looks so dull. I look so much worse than the worse I can look. Aish I don't know what am I talking about now.
Sehun lead me to the doorway, corridors full of old hang up art pieces and candles lighted at the side t0 provide bright light to the destination. I start to feel so nervous that my leg starts to feel jelly but I tried so hard to walk towards place. I feel Sehun's hand intertwine with mine. I look at him in surprise.
"Don't be nervous." He said and give me a warm smile, a smile that I needed badly right now. "W-Will you guys kill me? And how is Mark?" I asked him. His smile faded away and he wasn't smiling like before. "Why do you keep asking about Mark? Is he that important to you?" He stopped walking at look at me with furious eyes.
"Y-Yes. He is a good friend of mine." I stuttered and look at him in fear. His eye softens again, just like before. "Do not worry, Hae Hee. We won't hurt you. And you know what? You smell so much like them, the others will be angry if they know." He said, I smelled myself, "All I smell is the perfume that I put in the room." I replied.
He then hugs me, "It's a scent that you can't smell. Just stay like this for a while, the scent will be gone and replaced with ours." I froze on the spot and didn't move, I didn't hug him back either.
"There you go, just know that you are in safe hands okay? I mean, don't worry, with me around, I will ensure no one will hurt you as much as I am concerned." He said and comb my hair behind my ear.
I nodded and he intertwine our hand again and we walk together towards the place that he is bringing me.
Upon reaching the place, I was greeted by 11 of guys that I met before. Some were smiling at me; some were glaring at me. Then, I recognised, Kyungsoo and lastly that fierce guy, Kris.
"Hi, Hae Hee." One of the guy spoke up. I recognise him! He was the one that told me to let go of Mark and said that another wanting to kill us was a joke. I widen my eye at him, "I am Suho. Guys, please introduce yourself." He said.
I stared at the others carefully, and they started talking, "I am Kyungsoo. Welcome to our house, Hae Hee ah." "Hello, Hae Hee. I am Lay, don't worry, we won't hurt you." "I am Baekhyun," "I am Xiumin," "And I am Chen." I nodded.
Then I turned my direction to look at the other 5 guys who are kind of glaring at me.
"Hello, introduction please." Xiumin sternly said. "I am Chanyeol," Oh! That guy that said he wants to kill me. "Tao," "Luhan," "Kai." And that guy, Kris just walked away. "YAH!" Suho shouted but that guy didn't turn back at all. "He is Kris." Lay said. "I know." I replied timidly.
"What we want to tell you is, that the reason why you are here it's because, you are our mate." Xiumin stated. I stared at him, frowned, "M-Maid? Wait what? Can't you just hire one? Why must you kidnap someone to be your maid."
They all just look at me and frowned along with me. "Erm, Hae Hee ah. It's not m-a-i-d but m-a-t-e." Kyungsoo stated. I stared at the whole lot of them, not sure what I just heard. "W-What? Why must it be me? I mean, I read stories of this kind before. The mate that they always wanted was pretty and I don't know. But why is it me??" I took steps backward.
"I agree with you. Why is it you? But it was not our choice though." Luhan smirked and walk before me. "Do you think we want you?" He mumbled, loud enough for me to hear. "Luhan!" Sehun held onto his hand.
"What? I am just saying what we feel right?" He retorted. "Just, shut up." Kyungsoo spat. "Do you look yourself in the mirror every morning." Kai sighed. "Let's go. This girl isn't worth looking at." Tao sternly said and walk away with Kai, Luhan and Chanyeol.
"It's okay, Hae Hee. Don't cry." I felt a hand on my back patting me and another hand wiping my face. "I-I am crying?" I wiped the tears of my face. Why am I crying? Do these words hurt so much that I cried? I seldom cry.
"Yes, but it's okay." Lay wiped the other tears that fell. I held onto his hand, "No, it's okay. I am not crying; it's just I don't know why tears keep falling." "You will be more sensitive with us." Chen said. I smile and look at them while biting my upper lips.
"So now what? Am I rejected? Can I go back to where I am supposed to be?" I look at them. "Hae Hee ah, the thing is now, you can't go back. Because you are supposed to stay here." Sehun explained. "Why? I have my life there; you all have no rights to make me stay here without giving me a valid reason." I spat.
They all either lower their heads or look elsewhere. "Why are you so stubborn? Can't you just stay here? We already knew you do not have a family there. It's not like we are really going to hurt you or something." Baekhyun suddenly scolded. I stared at him, "So now what? Even when I am in another world, I am not allowed to be stubborn for my own rights?" I cried and ran out of the place.
I felt hurt and giddy. I am tired. I just kept on running to where my feet brought me. And I was lead to the garden whereby there is no one there. Beyond the gates were darkness covered by fog.
"Where am I now?" I mumbled and stumbled down on the floor. In this kind of situation, I can't even cry for anyone. While others can cry for their family members, I can only cry to get my life back. Even though my life sucks.
I sighed and wipe off the tears on my face. I am not going to cry now, it's not the right choice! I should beg for them to leave me alone, to get out of here. Yes, I should. At least, they didn't kill me, right? I should be optimistic.
I stood up and walk into the building again, the dark corridor made me feel scared, I don't even know how I manage to ran pass them just now. I took the stairs by the side up, not sure where it is leading me to.
"About that girl, Lee Hae Hee." I heard someone mentioned my name as I walked pass the room. "I really do not have good feeling about her. Can't we just bring her back to the mortal world?" I peek through the hole and it was the twelve of them, Tao was speaking.
"We can't, Tao." Lay said with stern eyes. "Do we have other ways to at least let her accept the fact that we are her mates?" Suho spoke up. "What other ways do we have? I can't even accept the fact that she is our mate." Luhan frowned and raised his voice.
"Even if we don't like her, we have to pretend. You guys know, there is eclipse coming in another few weeks. We need her help to really make us the legendary of immortal world." Xiumin explained.
So they only need me for their eclipse, I was not really important huh. But why does it hurt so much? They are strangers! I am not even supposed to be here with them. They just dragged me here, I should grant them their wish and leave.

✔ Undesired Mate (EXO ft. GOT7)
FanfictionHave you ever felt so worthless? "How much have you felt that you are undesired? You were sure they hated you, but what can they do if you are their unexpected mate. And they can't live without you, what will you do?" Lee Hae Hee, an OVERWEIGHT girl...