Chapter Two

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It was quite. Too quiet. There wasn't anything to do. It was boring. Marco sighed as he leaned back in his seat, balancing on two of the chair's legs. He looked at the clock. The class had only started five minutes ago, and there was still one more class left before the school day ended. The teacher was talking about something to do with "logs" and "signs" but Marco wasn't really paying attention. He wasn't going to use any of this trash, so what was the point trying to learn it? He should just ditch class altogether. No one would miss him. If anything, the teacher would be glad if he was gone. Suddenly the speakers scratched on grabbing everyone's attention.

"Marco Diaz, please come to the principal's office, Marco Diaz to the principal's office."

'Great,' Marco thought to himself. 'What did I do this time?'

Marco got up from his seat. As he walked out of the class he heard some of the students mumbling to each other.

"Again? Wasn't he just there last week?"

"I'm just glad he's getting in trouble."

"Yeah, if anyone deserves it, it's him."

Marco smiled to himself as he heard all the whispering. He liked it when people were focused on him. Though not everyone took him seriously and most didn't care about him, they all did what he wanted, whether they knew it or not. When Marco reached the door, the class was full of chattering students. Some of the whispers were talking about him, while others were using the commotion to talk about whatever. The teacher tried to get the class to settle down, but it was no use.

"Class! Lunchtime is over," the teacher said. "We're behind and we need to catch up!"

The students continued to talk ignoring the teacher. She had no control over the class. Marco chuckled to himself. Even when he wasn't trying, he still managed to derail the stupid class. Now he needed to own it. Marco opened the door and slammed it shut. As he walked away, he knew in that split second where he slammed the door, he grabbed everyone's attention, including the teacher's. That's how he liked it.

Marco walked down the open hall. He was glad that he got the free pass to ditch class, but now he had to go to the principal's office. Marco shrugged. There was no way he was going back to that old man's room. It was dark and cold, and it had a strange smell. He wasn't going to sit there and get a lecture about how he needs to "respect others" and "work hard" or even worse "get ready for college." Ugh. He didn't need help from anyone, so what was the point? Marco sighed and headed towards the bus bay. If he was lucky he could make a break for it and ditch the last hour of school entirely-

"Hey Marco!" A voice called out. Marco turned and groaned as he saw Janna heading in his direction. Her bright orange vest did not clash well with her light pink t-shirt.

Marco did not like Jana at all. Though she didn't look like it, she was pretty shady. She always knew more than she let on, and she was so willing to talk to people. Her social skills made it easy for her to get others to open up and talk, allowing her to learn their secrets. Marco tried everything in his power to stay away from her, but somehow she always managed to catch up with him.

"What do you want Janna?" He asked.

Janna frowned. "Well, a hello would be nice. So, you ditchin' class or what?" Marco ignored her and continued to walk. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Janna called.

"Anywhere away from you," Marco scoffed not looking in her direction.

Janna ran in front of Marco, blocking his path. "Well that sounds like fun," she said. "But we got places to be."

We? "Shouldn't you be in class or something right now?" Marco asked trying to step around her.

Janna smirked as she pulled her vest open, reviling a badge and what appeared to be her student I.D card. "I'm a hall monitor Marco Diaz," she said. "The halls are my classroom."

Ideal (Star vs The Forces of Evil AU) (editing + finishing the "next episode")Where stories live. Discover now