Chapter Four

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Marco sighed as he walked through town. The sun was replaced by a silver moon, and the blue sky was now full of scattered stars. The night wind pushed against Marco as he walked, making him zip up his jacket in defense. 

'Stupid girl,' He thought to himself. 'She just had to leave before dinner, of course!'

His stomach rumbled at the thought of the dinner waiting for him at home. Warm slices of pork with mash potatoes on the side, once mixed with creamy gravy it becomes a perfect meal. Usually, dinner was just a quick microwave meal, but tonight's dinner was special. According to Mrs. Diaz, it was a "welcome to your home-away-from-home" meal for Star, but it was more of a "let's pretend we're a happy family" meal. It was all just a stupid act, but at least the food looked great. Marco was so excited to finally eat a good dinner meal, but his mother stopped him before he could take the food back to his bedroom.

"Marco, do you know where Star is?" Mrs. Diaz asked.

"In her bedroom maybe? I don't know."

Mrs. Diaz folded her arms. "She's not in her room Macro. Do you know where she is?"

"How am I suppose to know where she is?!" Marco snapped. "I haven't seen her."

Marco made his way toward the stairs, but his mother stepped in front of him, blocking him from going up the stairs.

"Marco, this is serious! It's getting late, and we can't find Star!"

Marco tried to step around his mother, but she was determined to keep him away from his room. He was getting frustrated with this nonsense.

"Well, that's not my problem! I didn't even know she was going to be here!"

"That's it!" Mrs. Diaz snatched the plate out of Marco's hand and pushed him out the front door. "You are not allowed back inside until you've found Star!"

"What?! You can't do that!"

"Marco Diaz, I am done with your attitude young man," Mrs. Diaz scolded. "Look around, you're not the last person on this planet, stop acting like you are."

It wasn't fair. Marco didn't want to be outside. He wanted to be alone in his warm room, with a nice hot meal. Now he was cold and hungry, but at least he was alone. Maybe he could crash Alfonzo's place. Sure, he'd have to deal with Alfonzo's grandparents, but at least he'd get dinner and roof over his head. It didn't seem like such a bad choice.

Before he could make up his mind on what to do, he noticed that he was close to a nearby corner store. He decided to go in and warm up for a bit. Maybe he could grab a soda for the road. He patted his pockets for extra change but found nothing.

'Oh well,' he thought to himself. 'Like I had money to spend.'

He walked into the corner store, shocked to see Star talking to the man at the cash register. How long has she been here? The two looked like they've known each other for years. Marco shook his head. He didn't have time for this.

"Okay okay, party's over!" Marco said as he pulled Star away from the conversation. "Say goodbye to your long lost friend, it's time to go home."

"Hey!" Star cried as she pulled away from Marco. She folded her arms in disagreement. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Well, you don't really have a say in the matter, unfortunately," Marco muttered. "Look, dinner's getting cold. Just come back, have a good meal, get some sleep, and tomorrow you can think about running away. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Star frowned and turned her back on Marco. "I really don't know," she said softly.

The man behind the cash register looked up at Star and Marco, unsure if he should intervene or not. "Er, is everything alright Ms?"

Ideal (Star vs The Forces of Evil AU) (editing + finishing the "next episode")Where stories live. Discover now