Chapter Five

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"I shouldn't have sent Star to Earth, not alone. I should have sent someone to go with her."

"You did the right thing, my queen. It's for the best."

"She needs to leave."


"Star can't stay in the earth dimension anymore, it's too dangerous! Ludo knows where she is now, the wand is not safe, Star is not safe!"

"Your Highness, you can't keep moving Star like this. She will never learn how to defend herself if she keeps running away from Ludo."

"Then, what should I do? What can I do to keep Star safe?"

"Just leave that to me, your highness."


The microwave hummed, spinning a large styrofoam cup around. Star couldn't help but watch. Earth didn't have very much magic, but what little it had still amazed her. This "electricity" spell seemed to do just about anything. It could summon light, warm up a cold room, it even could cook small meals with minutes. Marco insisted it was nothing special, but Star though it was pretty cool. Suddenly the microwave started to beep, and the cup stopped spinning. Marco opened the microwave and pulled out the cup, waving the steam away from it.

Marco opened a small packet and poured a powder into the cup of noodles and stirred effortlessly. "And that's dinner!" Marco said while he mixed the noodles. "Get ready for simple and greasy food, cause that's all your getting here."

Marco poured some of the noodles into a bowl and pushed it towards Star. Rather than getting another bowl out, Marco fished the rest of the noodles out of the cup. Star took a bite of the instant noodles, and a strange taste filled her mouth. It was nothing like she ever had before. It was ... interesting to say the least, but Star decided that she didn't really like the noodles. Marco noticed Star's reaction and snickered to himself.

"So, how is it?" Marco asked. He seemed to be getting a kick out of her eating noodles.

"It's... well, it's not the best," Star admitted.

"I've been living off this stuff since middle school, and it still tastes like crap," Marco said taking a bite of the noodles. "You'll get used to it."

Star looked at the noodles. She missed the food she had at Mewni. She knew this was the best Marco's family could provide, but deep down Star wished she was back home. She knew it was selfish of her, but she wanted to return back to her castle. She missed the servants, her friends, and her mother and father. Star didn't realize how much she left back at home. In a strange way, Star felt that she would be going home soon. It felt like her mother would arrive at any moment to take Star back home, but Star knew that wasn't going to happen. She wasn't going home for a long time.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, snapping Star's attention. Marco set his noodles down. "Huh, I wasn't expecting the guys to come over. Guess they're crashing here for tonight."

"Wait, who is crashing the house?" Star asked. Star was a little worried. She didn't want Marco and "his guys" to destroy the house.

"Don't worry, it's just Alfonzo and Furgeson," Marco said casually. "We'll stay out of your hair, but you might have trouble sleeping tonight. When Furgeson has the floor, everyone is cheering."

Marco went to get the door, but Star wasn't reassured. If anything, she was a little more worried. Having Marco's friends over sounded like a recipe for disaster. Star decided she better take refuge in her room. She did not want to be around when thing got out of hand. She took the bowl of remaining noodles and put it in the sink before heading toward the stairs. She passed Marco on the way.

Ideal (Star vs The Forces of Evil AU) (editing + finishing the "next episode")Where stories live. Discover now