Another update/confession that will be deleted

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UPDATE: AHHH I FINALLY GAVE THAT OTHER GARBAGE STORY AN ENDING! FINALLY! Okay, now this story has my full attention... unless i get a cool idea for an original story, but that may take a while. So confession time... I haven't seen much of S3... should I continue writing and planing without seeing it, or should I watch it. It shouldn't matter but I want your thoughts. I'll play catch up soon! AHHH I'm sorry this is taking so long. 

Seriously as of now, you have my permission to bug me to update. I wouldn't necessarily spam the book's comment section, BUT MY WALL IS FREE GAME! I'm not sure about pm's just don't threaten to kill me. Bottom line BUG ME!!! 

(let's see how fast I'll regret this lol)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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Ideal (Star vs The Forces of Evil AU) (editing + finishing the "next episode")Where stories live. Discover now