Welcome To Hell

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Hello and welcome to chapter two of the story. Well your here so that means you like it right? Good. Have fun ~♡

Arthur woke up with a painful headache. The first thing he did was try to touch his acing head, but couldn't. His hands and feet were tied to a bed. The only thing he could remember was being ambushed by demons. Then he started to worry about his freinds. Looking around the room he was the only one there, no sign of the other two angels. Then fear washed over him and the well-being of Mathew and Kiku was making him panic.

The fact that not only were they captured by demons but one of those demons was the King.

And then it hit him, the horrid smell of burning and death; the smell of Hell.

He, a high ranking angel was in Hell, tied to a bed with a headache and no way to get out. Even if he could get out what was he going to do? It was his fault that Matt and Kiku are here, he can't just leave them. It's not in his DNA, and the two were very good friends of his. And if he could find then and get out this is Hell and it's filled with demons and God knows what else.

Arthur took a deep breath almost choking on the smell that lingered in the air and tried to get out of the ropes, but to no avail.

"Your finally awake." Arthur stopped, his eyes looking at the demon that stood in the doorway. After realizing who it was Arthur turned his head to the other side not wanting to make eye contact with the monster. The blue hair demon only laughed and walked towards the bed. Then grabbed Arthurs chin and forced the blond angel to look at him.

"It's not very nice not make eye contact with your new master." His smile twisted when Arthur's eyes widened at the words.


"Yep~ congrats on being chosen to me my servant beautiful."

"I rather die then kiss your ass and be a slaved to a heartless monster like you!" Arthur tried his best to fight back, but the whole situation was to much for him and his acing head. As a high ranking angel he did not want to look weak in front of this monster, but the pain and the fact that this was his first time ever being so close to the demon King made him scared, but he'll never tell the demon that.

"Well I rather you kiss something else but whatever ya want." The demon said letting go of Arthur's chin and placing his hands on his hips.


"Haha nothing, nothing here take these." He handed the angel two small pills for his head and a glass of water.

"And how am I supposed to take that? My hands and feet are tied you git!" Arthur struggled against the ropes one more time before the demon took out a knife from his pocket and cut the rope to free the blond.

Arthur sat up moving his wrists around first then took the pills and water the demon offered. He still didn't make eye contact with his new 'master' but instead looked out of the small window on one of the walls in the room.

"We're in Hell aren't we?" Arthur asked even though he know the answer to the question. The horrible smell and the red sky outside gave that fact away. The demon just nodded still looking at the angel infront of him with a smile.

"Why did you bring me and my friends here?"

"Because your a high ranking angel in Heaven, your friends are just a bonus. But don't worry beautiful your friends will be safe, their being cared for as we speak."

"You mean their slaves to the other two monsters." Arthur had a horrible feeling in his stomach as he said that. His friends weren't very good at fighting. Kiku could somewhat defend himself, but Mathew was a different story. The demon infront of the brit didn't say anything and just continue to stare at the blond angel.

"Why are you doing this?" Arthur finally asked looking at the blue haired demon.

The taller man smiled and said, "That's something you'll find out later sweetheart, but for now let's get you to my place."

"I thought I was already in your castles."

"Nah, this is the prison. This is where we sent our newly captured angels to wait for their masters to come and pick 'em up."

"You make it sound like a orphanage. Like we angels are lost puppys waiting to be adopted." Arthur said looking down at his hands while the demon just laughed.

"Well if you look at it like that then yeah, but it really doesn't matter what you think." The demon King once again grabbed Arthur's chin to make the blond angel look at him. "Because no matter how you look at it your the safest with me beautiful." The demon leaned in closer to Arthur and continued "And don't worry I take good care of my things~"

The demon chuckled and moved back when Arthur blushed a light red. 

"Come on sweetie, it's time to show you Hell."

AN- So how's that for a chapter two? I can't wait to see how this story goes! Thank you for reading ~♡

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