A Fight To The Finish

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Hello and welcome, man this story is fun to write and I'm going to be so sad when it's over, but that still a long way away so let's just enjoy this chapter. Have fun ~♡

The Russian demon jumped on Alfred pining the blue haired demon to the ground. Alfred tried to get up but failed as he screamed in pain as a blade that Ivan was carrying cut into the skin of his shoulder.

Ivan smiled and pushed the cold metal of the blade deeper into his shoulder getting another scream from the demon below him.

"Poor Alfred, you'll never win like that." The demon above teased as the demon King struggled to break free. Alfred's other hand balled into a fist and he punch Ivan square in the jaw nocking him off.

The blue haired demon quickly got up and took out the knife from his bleeding shoulder.

"Didn't expect that now did you?" Alfred said smiling as he took the knife and played with it.

The Russian demon sat up covering his mouth from the blow.

"Your still so cocky? Even when you are in pain?" Ivan asked as he tried to get on his feet only to fall back down.

Alfred's smile dropped as he walked over to the demon. Grabbing his collar, Alfred's eyes glowed as he looked at him, a small blue flame covered his injured shoulder. It only lasted for a moment and when it disappeared the cut was healed and the bleeding stopped.

"I'm going to make you suffer and then I'll kill you then take my beautiful angel back home so I can bask in his light and he can make sure I don't do anything stupid." Alfred said coldly as the tip of the bloody knife was pressed agenst Ivan's throat.

"I'll make sure me and Arthur make it out of here. But I can't say the same for you, old friend."



When Alfred went into the old house he found the room his angel was in, but he didn't like what he sow.

Arthur was tied to a chair and passed out cold and bleeding badly. His stomach was cut, his white was toga stained in blood, his legs and thighs were wet with blood, there was a deep cut that went up his leg and another cut on his chest.

There was a girl in the room; Ivan's sister. Alfred met her before and he knows that she's crazy. And because of the knife in her hand Alfred assumed the worse.

"What the hell did you do!" The blue haired demon demanded an answer as his eyes locked with his angel.

She smiled when she sow the demon King, but when she noticed that he was covered in blood her smile turned to horror.

"M-my brother? Where is he!"

"He's dead. He tried to over throw me and become King." Alfred's face was cold as he looked at the girl.

The demon girl glared at him with her cold eyes as he walked over to Arthur and untied him. But there was a problem, his angel was not waking up.



"Arthur, sweetie wake up."

Nothing. Arthur wasn't waking up no matter what he did.

"What did you do?" Alfred asked Natalia, she was looking at the floor and when she looked up her eyes where red from tears.

"He won't wake up." She walked up to Alfred and stopped right infront of him looking into his blue eyes. "You took my love so I'll take your's."

"What the hell did you do!"

"I gave him my blood."

Her smile widening as Alfred  grabbed her neck roughly and lifted her up off the floor.

"Go ahead kill me. Reunite me with my brother." She said happily as his rage took over and he used his strength to chock her.

But just as she was about to lose consciousness he let go and she dropped to the floor gasping for air.

She looked at him in confusion, "W-why did you let me go? Why not kill me?"

"Because I killed enough for today" Alfred said as he went over and picked Arthur up into his arms. "But if he dies then I promise I'll come back for you." Was the last thing he said as he left the room and the old house.


"Arthur?" Alfred said in a soft voice as he placed the angel into the water.

Arthur was hurt badly and the only thing the demon King could think of was a healing spring. There are only two in all of Hell and lucky for the brit Alfred know exactly where they where.

The poor angel had demon blood in his veins and that was very dangerous. If Arthur didn't heal he would die, and that would kill Alfred.

Arthur was already being affected by the blood, his feathers were falling off and his glow was fading which ment that he was dieing.

"Arthur?" He said again as he watched the water do it's job by healing him, but he was still losing his feathers and his halo's light was fading.

"Damm it Arthur" Alfred picked him up. "I'm not going to let you die." He said as he closed his eyes  and bit into Arthur's neck. 

God Arthur was good. His blood was wormer and sweeter then he thought. Alfred almost couldn't stop himself, but he did and he let go of Arthur's neck with a wet sound and gasp. He looked back at the angel in the hope that he took out all the foreign blood and save his life, but instead he did the opposite. He did save Arthur's life, but he just made it much worse.

"I'm so sorry Arthur."

AN- Well another one down and more to come. I'll see you all in the next chapter! Thank you for reading ~♡

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