Helping Out A Friend

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Hello and welcome to chapter 19. God we've gone far huh? Well I hope you all enjoy this chapter, have fun ~♡

The two demons talked as they made their way to Wang's houes.

Nothing important at first, just small talk, but the two enjoyed it. It's bine a long time since they sow each other and it was nice to talk to one another.

To know how their lives were, what they do around the house, and how their demons were.

It was so nice to have Mathew here with him. They bine friends for a very long time now and it was nice to know that even though they were demons it still didn't change a single thing between them.


But sooner then Arthur would have wanted the house came into view.

"What is your plan exactly?"

"I don't know. But Kiku is our friend and he needs our help."

"Kiku said that he's fighting because he still thinks your fighting." As the two angels landed on the ground Arthur frowned.

"He's fighting for me. I was the one who brought you two here... And after all our fighting you and me fell, I don't want him to live off of false hope." Mathew just smiled softly at the brit and followed him to the house.


"Hello?" Matthew asked as he knocked on the door to the house where Kiku and Wang lived in.

It was quite for a few minutes as the two waited for a answer, but just as Mathew was about to knock again the door opend.


"Yes hello Wang it's bine a while. Is Kiku here?"

The Chinese demon looked at him for a moment then noticed that Arthur was there.

"Arthur! You came too? What a surprise to see that you fell too aru."

"Y-yes... well it seams that Alfred didn't tell you that I changed too." Arthur rubbed the back of his neck and laughing awkwardly. Wang just crossed his arms and frowned.

"It looks like that is the case." The demon sighed softy and gestured for the two to come in. Wang went to call Kiku while Arthur followed Mathew to the couch. And after a minute or two Kiku came out of the kitchen to see who it was that visited him.

He looked horrible. Kiku was a very beautiful angel back in Heaven, but now he looked like... well... like he went through Hell.

His wings had only a couple of feathers on them, his halo was cracked to the point were it looked like if you touched it hard enough it would break like a damaged Chinese doll.

"Kiku." Arthur got up from his place on the couch and looked at his sick friend.

Which surprised the Japanese angel, why wouldn't it though? He was looking at his friend who was a demon, just like Mathew. There was a awkward paused as they looked at each other. Arthur was the first to break the silence.

"I'm... I came here to see you Kiku... it's bine a long time since we sow each other and we, I wanted to come and tell you, to show you that I changed... a lot." Arthur said nervously, he didn't know how his friend would react to the news.

"I see, you sinned as well..." The angel said and lowered his head.

"No! Well... yes but not in that way. Please Kiku let me explain." The brit pleaded.

"Come on Mathew let's leave them alone aru." Wang tried to break the awkward tenson in the room. Mathew looked at Arthur to see if he was ok with being left alone, the Canadian sow no abjections so he silently slipped away with Wang.

There was a long and unnerving quite between them, the two just stared at each other not knowing what to say. Until Arthur was the first to speak.

"Kiku, my friend I fell because I had no chose..." When the angel didn't answer Arthur just went on. "I was kidnapped, Alfred saved me but he was too late to help me. I was given demon blood and I had that in my system for too long, it got to my veins and it turned me into... this."

There was silence again and Arthur was about to say something but Kiku interrupted him.

"So your falling wasn't your fault, but it doesn't matter to me, your a demon now Arthur, you sinned or you will sin it doesn't matter when, you'll do it one day because it's in your nature... but you are no longer you Arthur, your not the same person."

"I know..."

The angel looked at him for a while, his face lacking expression or emotion, but soon enough he walked closer to the demon so that he was standing in front of the other.

"Then tell me Arthur, in truth, are you happy...?"

Was he happy. That was a odd questions because no one (as of now) seemed to care about his happiness. Arthur was asked if he was fine, but he was never asked if he was happy. Was he happy?

How could he be, Arthur was originally a angel in Heaven, a sub commander to a powerful army and that made him happy. But when he was in Hell he wasn't. He ran away, he was attacked by another demon, and was kidnapped, how could he be happy?!

But then he fell and things changed. Alfred changed him, he couldn't stop thinking about the blue haired man. It was like Alfred was a drug to him, one he'll need everyday. But was he happy?

That damm demon that brought him here and took his life (then saved it), soul, and his heart.

His heart...

The brit placed a hand on his chest to see it if was still beating. And sure enough it was. It was funny how in Heaven they tell them that demons don't have hearts, he supposed it was done like that to make them seem more evil and abject.

'My heart beat... it only beats for him.' Arthur thought to himself, a small blush on his cheeks.

Was he in love? Is this what love was? Oh, great he was. He was in love with Alfred.

'My heart beats for him because I love him...'

"Yes" Arthur answered smiling at the realization that he was in fact in love with Alfred. "I am happy Kiku and I want you to be happy too. Don't fight it, don't fight this feeling you have. Because it's love."

The angel just stood there shocked at the words. Maybe it was time to give up. He was getting really tired of it.

"Kiku, you and Matt are my best friends and I love you... no matter what you choose we'll always be brothers, but I have to go and finish what I started." Arthur turned around to leave before Mathew came back in.

"Wait where are you going?"

"I have to go and find Alfred." Was the last thing the brit said before he left. Leaving the three alone.


"He's still the same isn't he?" Kiku asked the blond demon, his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, but where both still the same. We'll always be family." Mathew smiled as he walked to the Japanese angel and hugged him. Kiku was hesitant for a minute, but he closed his eyes and hugged back. Excepting the worm embrace.

AN- Finally after all that Arthur realized his feeling for Alfred, and now Kiku exepted the fact that fighting was useless. I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! Thank you for reading ~♡

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