The Meeting

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Hello and welcome! Hope your have a good day 'cuz here's a new chapter. Oh and a chapter 2 for Cops and Robbers will be out today too, so check that out! Have fun ~♡

"Your kidding right?!" Arthur said to Alfred as the two were eating their breakfast in the large dining room.

The brit just sat down and was enjoying his meal, waiting for the demon to give him yet another list of things to clean, but that did not happen.

Instead Alfred told him that Francis and Wang are coming and that Mathew and Kiku are coming with them.

Finally! After such a long time of Arthur stressing out and wondering what happend to his friends today he was going to see them. And that made the blond very happy.


After the two finished their meal Arthur was sent back to his room to change and get a quick breath before seeing his friends.

Putting on his white toga; which he had to beg to keep because he absolutely refused to wear the female maid outfit that Alfred wanted him to wear. He looked at the mirror and walked out joining the blue hair demon at the end of the hall.

The room that this 'meeting' was going to be held in was the kitchen but the place where Arthur and his friends could be together was the living room.

A grand room big enough for a small ball or at lest a large house party. A fireplace on one of the walls, a big coffee table with places to sit around it, pictures that tell the story of Hell, angels and demons fighting, and the one that spooked the angel the most was the painting of the war agenst the angels.

Arthur sat down quietly on the couch looking at the pictures and waiting for the demon to return with the guests and their angels.

The angel swallowed when his eyes reached the painting that showed the war. It was horrible to say the lest, but it kept Arthur's mind off of how nervous he was. He didn't know what to expect from this. What happend to his friends? Where they alright or did they fall like Tino did?

Arthur jumped out of his set when he heared footsteps enter the living room.

He turned around to see the three demons and Matthew and Kiku.

Thank goodness they looked alright.

The angel cleared his throat and walked over to the group, only to be hugged by the other two angels.

"It's so good to see you." Mathew said nuzzling his face into the shorter blonds.

"I'm happy that your alive Arthur-san." Kiku said softy.

Arthur smiled and hugged back saying, "I'm happy to see you lads."

"Alright, you three can catch up and sit here. We'll be in the room outside." Alfred said then left with the other two demons, leaving the angels to themselves.


"So your saying he's not so bad then?" Arthur asked the blushing Canadian who sat across from him while the Japanese angel sat next to Arthur.

Mathew nodded. "He's a little um, touchy-feely, but he's nice and make me all sorts of good food and stuff."

"Wang-san is the same, somewhat. He is very skilled in cooking and let's me cook sometime too, he is very kind. As angels we are told that all demons are evil, but this just shows how little we know about them..."

Arthur looked at his lap and said, "I know what you mean... a couple of days ago Alfred asked me how much the angels really know about demons and he was shocked when I told him we know very little."

"Angels don't know a lot about demons because we think that we're better then them. We treat them like rats and look at them like their a mistake..." Matthew said softly looking at Arthur. When the blond angel lifted his head to look at Matthew he was greeted with a worm smile.

"And yet we can still fall in love with them."

"What do you mean Arthur-san?"

"A while back I met a demon named Tino and he told me that he was once a angel that fell because he loved and s-slept with a demon, and because of that he turned into a demon too."

Kiku and Matthew looked at Arthur with shock, but he didn't blame them. In Heaven the only angel that was said to ever fall was Alfred. And the news that other angels could fall and loses their grace just like him or Tino was a terrifying thought.

No one talked far a couple of minutes, the new information set in and then Kiku started to think.

"If angels could fall, then what if we are here to fall as well?"

The two blonds looked at the Japanese angel.

"Why would we fall?"

"Think about it. This is new information to us, none of us ever thought that angels could fall so what if that's the demons goals?" Kiku said with a series look in his brown eyes as he looked at the two.

"Alfred did say he wanted the angels to fall... but this is just a little much." Arthur mumbled loud enough for the other two to hear.

"Do you think it's possible? They want us to fall and become demons like them?"

"Maybe Mathew-san, but I have no idea how they want us fall exactly or the reasoning behind it?"

"I think they want us to fall in love with them. If we do that then we'll be easy pray for them to make us demons..." Arthur said his face getting just a little pink from hearing his own words.

"That's horrible! But I don't feel like Francis is trying to take advantage of me."

"Yes, but we don't know their exact plans at the moment, remember this is only speculation so what can we do?"

Kiku made a good point, none of them exactly know what the demons were planing. They could sit here and guess for hours and get no where. Maybe the demons were doing this because they wanted to build a army, maybe they were right and the demons wanted to make the angels fall in love with them and then fall themselves, or maybe they were doing this because they where dicks and well demons. But they didn't have the liberty of time, because soon the demons came back in and Matthew and Kiku had to leave and go away for who knows how long.

Arthurs heart dropped when he had to say his goodbyes to his best friends and watch them leave. Leaving him alone with Alfred once again. 

AN- Humm, I do wonder what those demons are planing to do with them...? Oh well looks like we'll have to wait.
Like my story? Want more? Then go and check me out. I make lemons too, so if you want some sexy-lemon time with Artie and Alfie then go and check that out! Thank you for reading ~♡

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