Your Safe And Sound

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Hello and welcome to another chapter! Hope you enjoy and have fun ~♡

When Arthur woke up he was in a small and plush bed. A fire place illuminated the room making it the only light in the house. He blinked, looking around he could tell he was in a cabin. The walls were a dark oak wood color. The smell of something cooking quickly filled the room Arthur was in.

So who or what saved him is going to feed him or cook him.

"Oh my, your awake." The brit sat up and looked at the doorway. There was a small blond demon looking at him with a smile. He looked normal enough, horns, tail, wings, other then his size he had a aura around him that said he was somewhat 'kind'.

"Where am I?"

"Don't worry your safe. Me and Berwald saved you from Gilbert, the demon that was attacking you in the woods. But luckily we helped you out." Arthur placed a hand on his neck to feel how deep the bits were, only to feel that they were covered up. He throw off the blanket to check his leg for the cut and smiled softly when it was covered too.

"My name is Tino my mates, the one I manchend is named Berwald. What's your name?" The demon asked as he walked to Arthur and pulled up the chair that was next to the bed to sit across from the blond.

"Arthur Kirkland."

"Arthur! I heared of you. Your a high ranking angel back home right!?" Tino asked and moved closer the the angel.

"Yes I am. But how do you know that?"

"Oh" The demon giggled "I was once a angel too. But I wasn't very important." Tino scratched the back of his head while Arthur freaked out.

"What! B-but your a demon! You can't be a angel!"

"I'm a demon now yes. But a long time ago I was a angel." Tino smiled warmly as he looked at the floor.

"How?! I never heared of such a thing. A angel becoming a demon?"

"I guess I could tell you" The demon looked at the door "It will take him a we do have time." Tino turned around to Arthur again who was waiting to hear the demons story.

"Well as I said I was once a angel in Heaven, but I wasn't very powerful. I loved living in Heaven, I had a nice job, good pay, and good freinds too. But one day I was on earth and got hurt. To my surprise a very tall and intimidating demon saved me and took care of me. The first couple of days he didn't say anything to me he just...stared. I was really scared and I felt alone, until one day he talked to me and I found out he was rather sweet. The only reason he didn't talk was because he didn't know how to express his feelings. And well we got to know each other and we fell in love."

"I never imagined an angel could fall in love with a demon. Is that how you fell? Because you loved a demon?" Tino laughed softly and shock his head.

"No. I fell because I sinned." The demon giggled when the blond angel froze on the spot.

"A sin?" Arthur asked softly and Tino nodded.

"I slept with him. When I woke up my white wings lasted their feathers and became black" He spread out his wings to show Arthur. "I got a tail and horns too. I officially became a demon and was no longer a servant of Heaven. But I got to stay with the one I love, so I was happy with the out come."

"Love? With a demon no less." The thought of a angel falling because of love was something new to him, so how was he supposed to feel? Right now he felt sick.

"I'm sure you'll fall in love too Arthur."

"Never! I refuse to love a demon!" Arthur stood up yelling. Tino laughed, but stopped and turned around to the door. It opend and a very tall blond demon with square framed glasses and a series expression on his face walked in.

'This most be Berwald' Arthur thought.

"I found him wife." He spoke with a heavy Swiss accent.

"Good, thank you" He turned to face the brit and said with a light smile, "I'm sorry Arthur but he was worried about you, and well... he's the King."

"What are you talki-" The angel stopped when he sow the demon King walk into the houes with a smirk.

"I was worried about you beautiful~"

"What!? H-how did you find me?"

"We told him." The tall demon said coldly and walking next to his 'wife'. Tino looked up and smiled at the demon then looked at Arthur. "We're good freinds with the King, and well we had to inform him that your here..."

Alfred sighed and walked to where the angel was standing. "Come on Arthur. It's time to go home."

Arthur looked down and nodded. He said his 'thank you' quietly to the two and followed Alfred back home.

The whole way back was silent as the two walked through the forest. And Arthur was shaking as he walked behind the black haired demon. The whole way he was thinking about what will happen to him and just how pissed Alfred was.

AN- Okay so another down. Whoo chapter 6! We got some more information and we got to meet new chapters too, so till next time. Thank you for reading ~♡

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