Chapter Seven

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A/N: Last chapter was VERY short. I missed the update day on Wednesday, simply because homework is getting more and more hectic. I might not be able to update twice a week anymore, but I'll do my best for you guys. Enjoy =)

-xoxo, Sophia


The next minutes pass by in a blur of movements and colours that my eyes can't catch onto properly. I'm hauled into a place that seems vaguely familiar to me, but I can't really grasp onto anything anymore. My mind is in shock, I'm unable to think, unable to process the implication of me being what I am really means. Julia could have died. She could have died just because she knew me. The though sends chills down my spine. I hear a door slam shut and a deep, masculine voice begins to shout out orders with chillingly composed measure. I catch a glimpse of Julia's dark hair as she whizzes pass me to my room, carrying a duffel bag in one hand. How is she so calm about all of this? Why doesn't she scream or run away when Hunter pulls out bottles of fresh blood from my apartment's compact fridge? 

"Where's the dagger?" Julia marches back out of my bedroom, drooping bag gripped tightly in her hand as my belongings clutter around inside of it. She comes to a standstill in front of me and holds her hand out, palm facing upwards. I still can't move, and I can feel her searching my face with her eyes. Compassion seems to soften her face and she relaxes slightly, "Emma? Can you hear me?" When I don't reply Hunter comes to stand next to me and pries my fingers open, guiding my hand up so that the dagger falls into Julia's hand. She nods at him silently and slides it into the bag. Without so much as a word Hunter places a hand at the small of my back and guides me outside. I can't comprehend anything else as darkness floods over me and pulls me under. 


My eyelids flutter open and I'm momentarily greeted by darkness. Then, as I adjust to my surroundings, my vision clears, but it doesn't do much good. I'm still surrounded by a grey hue, enveloping me like mist. I can decipher something yellow casting a light in front of me, but it seems far away. I groan as my muscles stretch out, and grudgingly, I sit up, leaning back against whatever it is I'm sitting on. I reach around, and when my fingers find something that seems to be a switch, I press down. My eyes are flooded with a sharp light, a contrast against the night's inkiness. "Wh-what?" I mutter to myself as a haze sweeps over my eyes, before immediately clearing again. A wet cloth has been passed over my forehead tenderly.

I look up and realise that the light flowing over me is shining brightly from a screen stuck over the window shield. I'm in a dark car, pressed up against the left back-seat passenger door. I look across the seat to where Julia is sitting cross-legged, twirling the hunter dagger between her fingers and regarding me intently. When she captures my gaze on her she offers a comforting smile and stretches the weapon out towards me. "I believe this is yours." Without saying anything I take it, immediately welcoming the familiarity of its icy cold hilt in the palm of my hand. I tuck it into the pocket of my thin jacket. I still haven't uttered a word, but the other two people in the car seem to have noticed my awakening. Hunter is driving in seething silence, while Lily is sitting like a frozen statue with her head tilted to look out into the gloomy landscape as we move through the cold night. 

"How can I have been sleeping?" I ask finally, listening as my barely-audible words cut through the air almost painfully. Julia scoots a little closer to me, and I listen to the regular pulse of her heart, letting it be the anchor I need to keep calm. 

"You were in shock." She replies calmly, settling her hand over mine. "You've probably got a lot of questions now." I nod at her, even though it appears that I do so more to myself. Just then the car jolts violently as we speed over a bump in  the road, and I freeze when a painful groan sounds from behind the leather seats of Hunter's sleek car. I look up and meet Julia's gaze with alarm. She sighs and straightens her already perfect ponytail. But it isn't she who answers my unspoken question. 

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