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*Hunter's POV*

I look down at the halo of blond hair that flows over my torso. Emma's head is lying feather-like there, and the sound of her calm inhales and exhales are the only sounds. A peace comes with it, and it's just enough to settle the hurricane of raging emotions inside of me. I would love nothing more than to march outside and start ripping trees right from their roots, of throwing them against those fancy cars and to destroy absolutely everything. But I don't. For her. "Hunter?" Her head tilts up as that perfect voice reaches me in the darkness like the most soothing lull. She scoots up a bit higher, placing a soft kiss at the base of my jaw. An array of sensations part from that place where lips meet skin and travel to all of my limbs. Suddenly tears well up and a sob latches onto my throat, choking me, making me gasp for something. I don't know what - since I don't breathe- but a huge pressure builds up in my chest and I have this inconceivable urge to cry. I clear my throat and meet her mesmerising, golden eyes, erasing any trace of sorrow from my gaze. If I can't stay strong for myself, then I'll at least act like myself for her. Her eyes narrow abruptly as if she knows exactly what it is I covered up.

"Don't you dare hide from me Hunter," she warns, pointing a finger against my chest. I grasp it gently with my hand and envelop her fingers against mine. I pull up her wrist and kiss her softly. Her lips part and her eyes trace the movement, just as the moonlight filtering through the curtain of the tent catches and highlights the perfectly shaped puncture marks by her collarbone. Her pale skin catches the light's glow, creating an angelic glow around her. Purity. That's the word that comes to my mind when I think of her. I trace her cheekbone with a steady finger, smiling slightly when a sort of purr escapes her lips. "I wish we could stay like this forever," she whispers. Her words send a bucket of ice-cold water tilting down over my head, drenching me in horror. My grip tightens around her hand and her eyes narrow as she catches my sudden change of demeanour.

"We can," I press, desperation lacing my voice. "We can, Emma, we can escape together-"

"We've already gone through this," she cuts me off gently, a doleful glimmer in her eyes. My jaw clenches at the distinct memory from earlier this evening. I broke down in tears. And in front of Jay, for fuck's sake. My lips curl as the vivid images flash before my eyes, fangs protruding. I freeze when Emma's finger gently prods them back up. "Let's just enjoy these few moments that we've got, Hunter. I don't want to remember us like this." I squeeze my eyes shut but manage a nod anyway. When I open them again, she offers me a smile, before settling her head back down on my torso. I resume stroking her wavy hair, playing with each tendril as my fingers run through the blonde waterfall.


*Emma's POV*

I disentangle my legs from Hunter's resting form on the cot as the first rays of the morning shine through the tent. I sit up on the cot and look back over at his peaceful face. He's awake but seems to be enjoying a quiet rest. "You're staring," he teases suddenly, making me jump. His eyes stay closed but a smile lifts his lips tenderly. I lean down and brush mine against his, before standing back up just as he tries to grab for me.

"Ah ah, I've got to go see Dominic," I remind him, already reaching for the zipper of the tent. He lets out a dramatic sigh and his eyes finally peel open, revealing mesmerising, dark depths that seem to pierce every inch of my soul. I grin knowingly and quietly slip out of the cover's thin embrace. "I'll be back soon." When I hear an annoyed groan from the inside I shake my head with amusement, before swerving through the equiped clearing. I come to a stand-still in front of the biggest tent of them all and pull the flap to the side. I take a step inside and the flap falls back in place gracefully. Candlelights flicker all around the base, lighting up the dim space that's only barely being illuminated by the rising morning sun. Dominic is hunched over a table, with what appears to be a map sprawled all over it. Memories come to back to me in a rush, reminding me of Hunter's office back at that cabin, of him sliding me up onto a similar table, of his body against mine-

"You're throwing off heat like a radiator darling," Dominic says lowly from his position, eyes fixated on the paper. Blushing like crazy, I quietly walk over to him. I peer down hesitantly, only to have my eyes widen with curiosity.

"That's not a map," I state. The paper is covered in old ruins and uncomprehensible drawings, all swirled in an elegant, black-inked handwriting. His eyes lift and an eyebrow rises.

"Of course it isn't," he replies matter-of-factly. I mentally face-palm myself. Way to sound smart Emma. He clears his throat and straightens, folding his hands behind his back. I suddenly think back to Gabriel doing exactly the same. They're more similar than he thinks. "This is everything we need to know about the ritual."

"Where did you get it?"

"Jay stole it from the witch's inventory when she was, ahh - busy with you and the Shadow."

"Do we know when the ritual will take place?" I ask, changing the subject immediately. Dominic stares at me knowingly, before nodding.

"It will all become apparent soon. Knowing Gabriel, he will probably threaten Julia's life in order to get you back to him. You, of course, will obey." His gaze burns deeper now, a rising flame in the circles of his black pupils, and I tilt my head to the side a little, analysing his sudden change of mood.

"You really do care for her," I say softly, "Don't you?"

"Anyway," he drawls out, turning his back to me and looking back donwn at the paper with a hard determination. I sigh and shake my head but decide to let it go. There are more pressing matters to be discussed, after all. "Gabriel thinks that Jay is scouting us out, so he'll send an Elite our way to deliver the news to him. That is, when the ritual is ready to be carried out. It could be anytime, from today until eternity. It all depends when that witch has finished creating that Shadow of hers fully."

From today.

My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. This soon? I thought that Hunter and I would have more time before-

A quiet ringing breaks through the air and cuts my bewildered thoughts off. Dominic strides across the tent and picks up the disposable phone from a cot. He answers the call dutifully and lifts the device to his ear. "Yes?" I listen out closely, but I can't hear anything. Dominic hangs up and places it carefully back down.

"What is it?"

"Nothing," he answers coolly.

"Dominic," I press, eyes narrowing. His gaze flashes to mine, a brilliant inferno blazing in his icy eyes.

"Nothing," he says again, cold voice ringing in my ears. "There was nothing. Which is Jay's and I's signal stating that the Elite has come. Gabriel will soon be threatening Julia's life, and you'll need to be ready to go. Nothing can happen to her, do you understand me?"

I nod soundlessly, mouth falling open. I don't question him about the fact that he didn't mention the urgency of me killing Gabriel. His sole focus is Julia.

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