Chapter Twenty

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A/N: We're at chapter twenty guys! I have no idea how long this story will be, nor how I'll end it, but as long as I'm inspired I'll keep writing =)

Hope you enjoy! ;-)

-xoxo, Sophia


Before the man that I was so openly staring at could respond, the business suit-clad vampire comes to stand in front of me with impeccable speed. He blocks my vision of my dad and grips my chin with strong fingers, tilting my head upwards. I meet his interested stare head-on, though my mind still keeps crawling back to my father.

My father.

I had seen my parents in body bags.

How do you know that those were their bodies?, a voice reminds me. A little sliver of hope uncoils inside of me at the thought of my mother possibly being alive. As if he could see it in my eyes, the vampire grinned.

"She's not. I only allowed your dad to stay alive," he says coldly, and I freeze, refusing to show any weakness, though my insides seem to crash into a thousand pieces. It feels like being flung into a world full of hope only to be ripped out of it and thrown into another one, full of darkness and the evil reality. "Now," the vampire continues, and I have a very strong feeling that he's the leader. His piercing green eyes scrutinize my golden ones with curiosity and a suffocating formality. "Lets get back to business, shall we?"

"Why am I here?" I grit out tightly, and he nods at me before releasing my chin. He doesn't move back though. I want to clock him so bad in the face with that smug smirk that he's wearing, but the stupid handcuffs prevent any movement on my part. The vampire doesn't reply, but nods at Jay who's been standing stiffly behind me. I tense up when I feel his hand on my lower back, and I force my legs to move forwards when he pushes me. The man chuckles behind us as we walk away. "Guess she's moved on after all Jay!" He yells after us, but Jay doesn't reply.

I can practically feel the anger radiating off of him.


I was practically thrown into a elegantly furnished room before the door slammed shut behind us. I whirled around to look at Jay, my eyes narrowing as his eyes switched between red and dark brown repeatedly. Two, plush couches faced each other in the middle of the rich room behind me, and a chandelier hung low, casting shadows against the brick walls. There were no windows, and the only sound that could be heard was the clicking and locking of doors outside.

"What does he want with me Jay?" I whisper, and just saying his name aloud makes my resolve begin to weaken. Still, there is no sign of his old self or of the bond that once knitted our souls so tightly together. It just feels, empty. However, I've been feeling something new bloom inside of me for some days, something delicate and heart-warming. I instinctively lift a hand to touch the heart-shaped locket resting against my skin, and a wave of feelings comes with it. I let my hand drop and make my face go blank to hide my instinctive reaction, but Jay's eyes go darker as he stares at the necklace.

"I never asked," he begins, taking a step towards me, his full lips settling into a grim line. "How's my dear Maker doing?"

I tense up again at the mention of Hunter, and he visibly analyses my reaction. "You don't know anything about him, princess," he hisses lowly, approaching me more.

"You're the stranger to me here," I snap back, "I don't recognize the person you've become."

"And who's fault is that I wonder?" He grins wickedly as I reel back. It feels like a slap to my face. But he's right.

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