When Dick was better we were all in the living room of the cave and I guess Wally couldn't handle it anymore so he asked, "How is Elizabeth, Emma, Emily, Johnathan, Jacob, and Ricky?" I looked at Dick and said, "Do you think they would understand?" "There is only one way to find out." Just then we were called to the mission room. On the way there I smell someone new. "Does anyone know if there is someone else here, someone not on the team?" "No one why?" Wally said. "I smell someone that I only smell at school. D I think it's the Artemis girl." As we walk in there I see her, "Told you i smelled something. And if you look on her arm you can tell she has been cut." Batman said, "So I'm guessing Blue Jay already told you who this is." Kaldur said, "Not exactly." I look at him then Roy came in the room. Great no one is making this easy for me. I look at Bruce and he lets me leave until there is less people in the room. I hear Artemis say, "Why is she walking away?" Kaldur said, "Blue Jay has a... problem being around a lot of people." "And there is only nine of us in here." I looked at Bruce stepped into door way and said, "If you know what I truly am you would want me far away from you." Artemis said, "What's your problem Blue?" I held my breath and walked up to her clenching my fist and said, "You little brat." Right before I got close enough to bite or hit her, Superboy and Aqualad grabbed me. Kaldur said, "Jay don't do this. You need to go feed." As they let me go I run outside and a few minutes later I am back in the cave and I see her staring at me when she said, "What are you anyway?" I walk past her when M'gann said, 'We told her your not human.' 'Skylar tell her what you are and she might leave you alone and not get on your nerves.' "Fine. You want to know what I am Artemis. I drink blood, I have ice cold skin, and it doesn't take me long to get angry. So what do you think I am an Atlantean?" Kaldur walked in and said, "Don't play like that Jay." "She asked a dumb question." Artemis stepped back and said, "Your a vampire." "Yes and if I need to bite a human when there is no animals around Wally is now number two on my blood list." Wally walked in and said, "Did I hear what I think I heard. I am no longer number one on that list."
We were at Happy Harbor High school and I am suck inside with Artemis, Kaldur, Wally, and Dick, plus the doctor. 'Can someone explain why I'm inside.' 'You can smell and tell us if anyone is in the building.' 'Wait is that how you could sense me at the cave.' Artemis said.'Can I please kill her it will take two seconds.' 'Blue Jay, calm down you know how to control that.' 'Just joking. Well, mostly joking.' The doctor found the fog so Robin and Superboy went to get rid of it. as M'gann and Artemis was talking I said, 'Someone is in here coming from...' I sniff the air and say, 'There.' I got my whips and as soon as I saw her I got her tied up. Then she said, "How did you expect me? Unless... little girl are you a vampire?" "Told you I would have done better outside so this wouldn't have happened." 'M'gann and Artemis, Wally is in the pool.' Artemis said, 'How do you know this?' 'His blood is laced with chlorine right now.' The girl untied her self and was fighting Kaldur sol I stepped in. When Artemis walked in the room with M'gann and Wally the girl disappeared.
"The girl is four mile north of here. But her blood has a similar smell to Artemis, so that means either she is her sister or in her family." I said walking away from her. "Aqualad I'm sorry but I can't handle it anymore." I ran outside in time to see my brother come back. As he runs to me I'm running the other way. Superboy yells, "Blue Jay wait Rob wants to talk." I turned around and said, "Fangs are out can't." I ran to the woods and bite a deer once I'm done I walk back to the others. "The girls name is Cheshire, or that's what she calls herself." I say once my brother is in front of me.
"How can you control you thirst around a lot of people?" "D, you know it matters on how many people are around. The less people the better." "You do it so easily it makes no since for you to be a... nonhuman." "Vrei să spui un vampir. Este nevoie de curaj să nu muște pe nimeni Robin. Nu pot controla asta bine. Dar eu pot controla mai bine atunci Emma si Emily, probabil, mai bine decât Elizabeth sau Johnathan. Nu sunt la fel de puternic ca Iacov sau Ricky, deși, ei au fost întotdeauna cel mai bun din noi toți." "Da, știu, dar au fost cel mai vechi dintre noi toți. Știu la ce te gândești Sky, tu nu ești un monstru. Esti mica mea sora, care se întâmplă să fie singura fată sau mai degrabă singura persoană care poate bate Superman și de a trăi pentru a spune povestea, singura persoană care poate avea o șansă de a supraviețui o luptă cu Batman, iar singura persoană care a luptat Joker și nu a fost unconcscious care a suferit mutație cu ADN-ul kryptonian furat de la Superman facut din Cadmus înainte de Conner a scăpat, imediat după o misiune de lungă, fără nici un sânge și nu l-ați musca sau anyone.That a fost doar sora mea minunat mic, care este rea umană inteligentă și cu adevărat, nu un vampir, sora mea mai mică." "Nu, te înșeli. Sunt un monstru, dar eu nu lasa monstrul ma consuma. Sunt mai puternic decât monstrul din mine este D. Deci, totul va fi bine până în ziua în care am lăsa să mă controleze, dar acum este în regulă." "Oprește-te atunci când spui că te minți singur. Am de gând să vă ajute să-l controleze, dar trebuie să cred că poate fi controlat. La fel ca Elizabeth, Emily, Emma, Jacob Jonathan, și Ricky au crezut că ar putea și au făcut-o până când au intrat în vânători vizuină singur, fără ajutor." "Amenda. În cazul în care va face fericit D, voi încerca meu cel mai bun să creadă că eu pot controla monstrul din mine."
(You mean a vampire. It takes guts not to bite anyone Robin. I can't control it that well. But I can control it better then Emma and Emily, probably better than Elizabeth or Johnathan. I'm not as strong as Jacob or Ricky though, they were always the best out of all of us. Yeah I know, but they were the oldest of all of us. I know what you are thinking Sky, you are not a monster. You are my little sister, who happens to be the only girl or rather the only person that can beat the Superman and live to tell the tale, the only person that can have a chance of surviving a fight with the Batman, and the only person who fought the Joker and was not unconscious who was mutated with Kryptonian DNA stolen from Superman made from Cadmus before Conner escaped, right after a long mission without any blood and you didn't bite him or anyone.That was just my awesome little sister who is wicked smart and truly human, not a vampire, my little sister. No, you're wrong. I am a monster, but I don't let the monster consume me. I am stronger than the monster inside me is D. So everything will be okay until the day I let it control me, but for now it's okay. Stop when you say that you are lying to yourself. I am going to help you control it, but you have to believe it can be controlled. Like Elizabeth, Emily, Emma, Jacob Jonathan, and Ricky believed they could and they did until they went into the hunters lair alone without help. Fine. If it will make you happy D, I will try my best to believe that I can control the monster inside me.)
Artemis asked, "What are you two saying?" We looked at each other and I said, "You don't want to know. Dacă ați făcut-o știi că s-ar fi difuzate." (If you did know you would be running.) Dick laughed and I smiled while hoping only he understands. "Really, Jay talk in English for the Americans." "Oh come on I can't even make comments in Romanian. I was joking anyway." "Joking or not they should still know what we are saying." "Says the boy how can't speak in English." Wally said, "So you two are not from America." "We are from Romania." "Then how do you know the language better then he does." "Pentru că eu ascult în fiecare clasă, plus singura modalitate de a înțelege muzica de aici este dacă știi limba." (Because I listen in every class plus the only way to understand the music here is if you know the language.) "Really music helped you. How it's to confusing to read it. It was even confusing in Romania." "Have you not learned music helps me with everything. besides the only way Bruce even let me touch the first sheet of music is with me trying to talk in English." We got confused looks and Wally said, "Can you repeat the foreign thing you said?" "Sorry, I answered your question in a way to get D mad, but it didn't work. I said, Because I listen in every class plus the only way to understand the music here is if you know the language." Conner said, "Why didn't you just say that in English?" "To get on D's nerves."
The New Kind of Bird
FanfictionWhat if Robin couldn't talk in English? What if Robin had a sister to translate everything he said? Would the Young Justice Team even have a little birdie if he can't talk? This is kinda like Young Justice episodes if Robin couldn't speak in English...