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Chapter Two

Lacey's POV

As I'm walking through the woods I think back to how it all began. My mother would tell me the story every night. It all began the day I was born. I was born a month early on a late Sunday night. When I was born I wasn't breathing, the doctors had to rush me to the ICU. They had pronouced me dead and my mother asked the doctor if she could hold me. They handed me to her and she cried. All of the sudden my chest started to glow a bright red. The doctors and nurses all stared in awe, one doctor said "I haven't seen this in over a decade." My mother was so confused and then I opened my eyes. My mother always told me I had the most beautiful eyes, it was extremely rare to be born with purple eyes. The doctors took me away to check my heart rate and to take some test. When I was brought back to my mother, the doctor explained to her what had just happened. I have a very rare, very special gift. I was born with a soul mate, he was born the same exact day and we shared a soul. It was fate that had kept me alive so that I could go on this journey to find him and reconnect our souls. That bright red glow that appeared on my chest was a necklace that had bound our souls, whenever we were close it would glow bright red and if something ever happened me or my soulmate the necklace would glow blue. My mother took the necklce from me until today, my sixteenth birthday. I still had no idea where I was or where I was going but my necklace was faintly glowing red so I knew I was heading the right way, I just wished I could be at home with my mother by the fire instead of being cold in the woods. All of a sudden I got a blast of cold to my chest. I quickly glance down at my necklace and see that its bright blue. Then I heard a scream.

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