New friends, new opportunities

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As soon as she unpacked she decided she would go to the beach. So she threw on some cutoffs, a grey tank top and some sandals and made her way down to the beach. While walking down the pier she felt as if all her problems somehow washed away with the waves. She saw an empty bench and decided to sit for a little and take it all the beauty. Not paying attention to what going on outside of the waves she was shocked when someone tapped her. "Hi umm hello, I was wondering if you wanted to play volley ball with me and my friends" a girl had asked "uhh, umm yeah sure I guess, I'm not good at it though" she said back. "It's totally fine we can teach you, I'm cara lee  by the way" Cara Lee was a tall, skinny, blonde haired beauty, she kind of looked like Kate upton. after studying her she finally said  " Umm, I'm Jaiden" they shook hands then made their way to the volley ball nets. After a quick intro to all the girls they stared playing. Jaiden wasn't surprised on how good all the girls were because, well they all lived here so she imagined they played a lot. When it was her turn to serve she thought she was doing well until....
"Owww" called out someone as the hit the sand. "Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh, are you okay I'm so sorry" jaiden practically yelled as she ran to the person she hit who was getting up from the sand. "Oh! I'm dying! Heeeeeelp me, I can't breath! Someone call an ambulance, tell my mom I love herrrrrrrr" The the guy said as he slowly lowered on the sand again "Omg! Chase, like get out of here" Cara lee yelled out. "Oh? You know him? I mean of course you do, you've probably lived here all your life ? You go to school with like half of the people here right?" Jaiden said a bit confused.  Cara lee laughed "yeah, I have lived here & I did go to school with most of the people here, but this one, this one here is my. Baby brother, chase this is jaiden, jaiden chase." Chase basically a blonde Zac Efforn. She felt so bad especially because he was actually pretty hot. Chase got up and chuckled "it's fine, I was just being dramatic" he then shook Jaiden's hand & then turned to one of the girls who was playing and kissed her. Jaiden decided to dismiss any thoughts she had of him. "Hey, you said did go to school. Did you graduate?" Jaiden asked Cara Lee. "Yeah I just graduated this year, class of 2016" Cara Lee said happily probably because she doesn't have to deal with HS drama. "Lucky, I'm Graduating this yeah" Jaiden said
"Cool me too! HBHS?" Chase asked "umm what" Jaiden asked confused.
"Huntington beach High school?" Chase said confused. "Oh no, I live in Seattle, I'm only here for the summer" Jaiden said hoping they wouldn't think she's weird. "Dope! I've Always wanted to do, can I like go back with you in like your luggage?" Chase askedsounding serious. Before Jaiden could answer Cara Lee yelled "you're so stupid, and you're interrupting our game!" After the game was over cara lee walked with Jaiden home. "What! Your house is 309?! My is 311!! We're like 2 houses away!" Cara lee yelled out in excitement. "Finally you're home!" Josh called out front the porch. "He's hot!" Cara lee mumbled "eww josh? Hot ? Ewww! Half of the people here are hot and not annoying!" Jaiden yelled out. "Umm yeah Sorry" Cara lee said looking down. Jaiden felt it was only right to introduce them "josh, this is Cara lee she lives 2 houses down, cara lee my brother josh" josh ran down the steps & greeted cara lee "sweet name, I dig it" he smiled at cara lee "yeah thanks" cara lee smiled back. "Yeah you two love birds enjoy each others company, I'll be in my room"

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