Third Chapter (SPG)

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"What did I owe this unexpected visit from you?" Williana asked Vlad the next morning.

"You met Bella yesterday" he stated as if it answer her question. She raised her brow to that.

"Don't you dare use her. I won't allow you to do that. And for the last time I'm telling you, heed my advise and stay the hell out of my way" he said with intensity she didn't expect.

"For the record I am not using Bella for anything. No matter how unfortunate that she happens to be your sister I cannot harm her cause whether you believe it or not I care for Bella. I care for your sister" she said. How could he think she is capable of hurting the sweet and loving Bella? She's the only person who shed real and innocent tears upon her leaving their mansion. She's a sister to her no matter what her brother had done to Williana.

"You're lying" he accused.

"Between the two of us, it's you who is capable of hurting people without reason. You who is capable of being so cruel and heartless. Now if you will excuse me, I still have an appointment" she is about to leave when he grab her hand.

"We're not done yet" he gritted but she brushed off his hand and glared at him.

"Oh but we are. And it's been five years since we're done, remember? Five years since you heartlessly destroyed my family" and before she broke down she decided to leave him at her office.

"Les, I want you to cancel my appointments today. I'm gonna have a day-off today. I need to think" she phoned her assisstant.

"You okay Will? Did he do or say something to you?" Les sounding worried.

"Not a thing I cannot handle. But I really don't feel like meeting with anyone today"

"Alright. Give me a call if you need anything"

"I will" then she ended the call and decided to went to the place that used to calm her whenever she's down. After this she will get back to her tough character.

"How dare you cheat that way? That is totally unacceptable" He said accusingly after burging into her office.

"Com'n Vlad, be a man and wholeheartedly accept that I defeated you" she said with a hint of laughter in her voice. That glint of mischief and her presence is starting to torment him again and he is getting weaker every second.

"I'm warning you lady don't play with me" he said in gritted teeth. How could she affect him so much.

Williana is amused with Vladimir right now. He seems to be on the edge of his control. She think he is getting mad at what happened. She smiled to herself not knowing that it totally snapped the man's desire for her.

"Williana" he called huskily. And giving into temptation he grab her and kissed her.

What he did was not what she expected. Damn it! But Vladimir is kissing her. And double damn but his kiss is so passionate, so aggressive that she find it hard to resist. And when he deepen the kiss, pulled her closer into him, she had no choice but to melt into his arms. She kissed him back with all eagerness. Playing with him mouth to mouth, their tounge battling and exploring. And then she felt, felt his big and warm hands cupping her breast. She didn't even realized when he had discarded her blouse and unhooked her bra!

"Williana" he said again before he gave soft kissess in her throat then going down her neck to her collarbone and then...

"Vlad" she moaned when he suddenly held her up. His left arm supporting her buttocks as he kissed one of her  breast. The action giving her unexpected pleasure. She felt an intense aching. She aches for his touch. She wanted him to touch her everywhere. And then she gasped when he suddenly suckled her nipple. While the other is being squeezed and played by his right hand. She felt an exquisite sensation deep down her core. At the same time she felt like burning and she wanted to touch him. She let her hands glide to his hair, pushing him more towards her breast as if ensuring that he won't stop laving her breast. Then when she felt he won't stop, her hand boldly touched and explored his broad chest. He felt him shudder and tugged at her nipple when she pinch his own. She smiled, learning that he also finds pleasure in her touch. He then fasten his mouth to her left breast, imitating what he did to the other. And when he had ensure that he has given equal treatment to her mounds, he kissed her again while walking towards the desk. Once she felt the cold desk through her skirt he set her up. Letting her stand before him then quickly he unzipped her skirt and ripped of her panty. Before she had time to processed his actions he already set her against the desk, sitting her there so that she felt its coldness against her bare bottom. And then... and then... his finger delved inside her feminine core. The action so swift she felt a little stab of pain with the intrusion but not so much longer did she enjoyed the feeling of him there inside her. He withdraw and then thrust up again.

"Oh Vlad" she moaned. His movement is so delicious that she hold on his shoulder to steady herself. And then he added one more finger and she ached for more. He thrusted inside her until she felt like she can't take it. She reached her peak.

"Vlad" she called.

"You're so sweet Williana. Deliciously sweet" And after that she saw him licked his fingers coated with her juice. The sight so erotic she find herself catching her breath. Then he smiled. He smiled at her with so much hunger in his eyes and just like that he ate her. She felt his tender kiss against her femininity and she felt weak that she let herself lay on the desk. Then he begun eating her. Licking and suckling and laving at her womanhood. Thrusting his tounge inside until she felt like bursting with too much pleasure. When she can't hold back anymore she explode against him and he licked her clean before looking back at her and said...

"Now my sweet, we are not yet finish" He peeled off his pants and briefs then helped her up again with the desk behind as her support . He kissed her again and slightly parted her legs to open up for him then suddenly his manhood is nudging at her entry. Oh good gracious this is it! She thought. Then slowly as he was still kissing her with all passion at the same time tenderness, she felt him bury himself inside her. She felt an acute pain as he breached her maidenhead. He stop and gave her a questioning look.

"How?" He asked accusingly.

Right that moment she felt embarassed. She knew that it's not her fault that she still believe in giving one's self to the one he/she loves. That is the reason why she is still a virgin at her age. She never have the chance to look for any romance in her life after her divorce because she gave all her time and effort in correcting her mistakes.

"Sh*t!" She heard him cursed. And before she could stop him, he pulled her again, burying himself deeper.

She felt him becoming stiff for a while before he relaxed again. She didn't know what happened both to him and to her, she know it's wrong but after the time she adjusted to him, intense pleasure surge within her and she knew she was lost against him. He rode her with all gentleness and care. She felt his restrain and fight for control. The action touching her in a way she didn't want to think of at the moment but then she wanted more. She wanted all of him and so she said...

"Vlad please, I want you faster, harder and deeper" upon hearing her request he stared at her for a moment and with a nod gave her the mind shatterring thrust that brought her to extreme and delicious feeling of satisfaction.

Some time later, the two of them were on the sofa of her office. She is being wrapped with his body as she is sitting astride his lap while they are still connected.

"I shouldn't have done that" Vladimir said in a low voice.

"We... we shouldn't have done that" Williana replied.

"Williana, I..." he look at her while she gaze at him with curiousity.

"Why did you use me?" He finally asked. She just stared at him for a while then suddenly push him and she stand up feeling a slicing pain both in her femininity and her soul.

"Use you? How could you say that I used you Vlad? I have never used you and we both know it. If anything, it was you who wronged me" she said angrily not minding that she is standing naked in front of him.

"How did I wrong you? I have married you to save your family's reputation. I gave you everything a woman wants but in the end it is still not enough" he also stand up to face her eye to eye.

"Yes and when you get tired of me you simlpy kicked me out and divorced me without any explanation. You managed to humiliate me in the end. Telling both our families how I am the lowest type of woman you ever met. Isn't that cold Vlad? You actually degrade me in front of them. You, you... you're despicable"

"I said those things out of anger! I never wanted to ruin you like that but you used me. You make me believe that you are the innocent child that is to be sacrificed in order to save your family when the truth is you only wanted to raise your position in the society and you wanted to use me to get that damned doctor you fancy since you were young!" he yelled at her.

"Don't you dare accuse me of such horrible scheme. I never once thought of living in your circle in the society. Most of those people know nothing except to criticize other who they think are lower than them. As for Raphael, I like him, yes, but I never fancy being with him because I know he has someone else in his heart"

"Stop lying to me. Your sister told me then that---"

"What? My sister? Did you mean it is her who feed you of these lies?"

"Yes. She confessed to me of your scheme. She feel guilty of your family taking advantage of me and my wealth"

"And you actually believed her right? Knowing that she hated me ever since we're young. You believed her despite the knowledge that she once lied to our parents just to see me being kicked out of home. You actually believed her right?"

"But why would she lie about it? She knows that your family's reputation and company's well being depends on our marriage"

"When did she thought of our family? She only thinks of herself. She even has the gut to put the blame of..." she suddenly looked away. She looked for her clothes.

Vladimir stood up and followed her.

"What were you trying to say that your sister did?"

"It didn't matter now. It's done" she said coldly and hastily put on her clothes. He turned her around after putting on his clothes as well.

"What did she do?" She look him straight in the eye.

"She blamed me for our father's death" then suddenly a tear escaped from her eye. She saw his shocked whether for the weakness or the news she brought she didn't know but after bringing it out in the open again she felt the guilt she knew she shouldn't feel.

"I'm sorry" he said and was about to wiped her tear when she step back and turn her back on him.

"Sorry? Is that all you can say now? You intentionally degraded me in front of my family. You ruined my family's business. You even threatened to bring us to the ground. Your words and your actions caused my father's death and all you can do is say sorry! Do you think that is enough?" she shouted and then she remembered that she just gave herself to this man, the man who ruined her family. It is like a betrayal to her father. After that thought, she felt like she was splashed with a bucket of cold water.

Vladimir on the other hand was so surprised with what she told him. Is that what happened? Could he really be the reason behind her father's death? Is that why she seems to hate him so much?

"Williana, I..."

"I don't want to see you again. I know now that you're not as evil as I thought but still I can't forgive you for what your actions have caused my family. Now get out of my sight" she said before she turned her back on her but not before he saw her tears. And then he has no choice but to leave.

Damn! He can't believe it. All this time he hated the girl whom he thought is nothing but a person as cruel as his mother. Now, learning that she is as innocent as he think of her before her sister lied to him, he felt like a jerk. A big and stupid jerk.

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