Fifth Chapter

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One week. It is already one week since he last seen her. A week since he had learn how badly he has treated her. A week since he started feeling guilty for all the wrongdoing he did to her. Damn! But he didn't know how to make it up with his ex-wife. And then he stilled when he remembered what his actions had caused her. Her father.

"I'm sorry Mr. Montford but there is someone who insisted on seeing you at the moment" his assisstant informed him.

"And who is that person?" he asked.

"It's me, dear ex-brother-in-law" she announced as she barged in his office. The woman who ruined his marriage.

"Why are you here Anastacia?" he asked coldly.

"Oh but why the harshed treatment Vlad? I was not the one who did wrong to you" He is not someone who looses his temper easily but somehow that statement from her annoyed him.

"Didn't you?" he asked in a voice full of contempt. Perhaps he was bending the anger he felt to this woman but remembering what her lies had done he can't help but hate her.

"What are you talking about Vlad?" confusion was visible on her face.

"I learned what you did five years ago" she was shocked.

"How could you do that to your sister? To your own family? You have caused such damage. And you made me feel so mad of your sister. You know she didn't deserve that"

"You choose to believe me and that is not my fault" then she turned her back on him.

"I see I won't be getting what I want from you so I'd rather go" but before she could walk out of the door he gripped her wrist.

"Why did you do it?" he asked wandering how can this woman made a lie that hurt her own family.

"I hate her and I hate my life that is why" came her respond that leaves him in a more confused state. Anastacia took advantage of it and slipped through the door to leave.

Later that afternoon, Anastacia's words echoed in his head.

'You choose to believe me and that is not my fault' and it is true. Even Williana had told him the same thing. He has chosen to believe her sisters lies even though he had started to know her as an innocent and caring girl.

"Sir I'm sorry to disturbed you but Mr. Clint wants to talk to you right now" hearing one his biggest potential investor's name has somehow distracted him from his reverie.

"So your sister feed him lies to make him mad at you? I really can't understand where Anastacia's hate for you is coming from?" Leslie frowned. After contemplating and condeming herself for her careless action she has finally decided to confide in her cousin. She needed another person's insight and honestly she just need someone to talk to.

"I also didn't know why she hates me. I didn't thought of her treatment me before as hate but rather a selfishness on her part. Perhaps she wanted everything to be hers alone. Our parents, our toys, our room, everything. But to do things to this extent? It is something worse" and she was saddened by that realization cause no matter what, Anastacia is still her only sibling.

"So what are you planning now? What are you going to do?" Leslie softly asked. She only shakes her head for she was confused as well. Before, all she aim is to avenge her father and her family for the ruin they had after Vladimir's actions but now after learning of his reasons she understood. She understood for she knew what he has gone through because of his mother who choose to leave them after using his father's wealth. That is how he describe his mother to her that first and only time she asked him about his parents. His mother's story and her sister's lies about her has been the same and so he hated her the same way he hated his mother.

"Would you talk to your sister?" Leslie asked again which earned a frown from her.

"What's the use Les? Nothing would change" she responded.

"So what happens between you and Vladimir..." her cousin trailed off.

"It was best to forget it. It only served as a tool for us to clear what happened five years ago" she said despite the ache and embarassment she felt upon remembering it.

"No Wil, it is more than that. You never kept yourself untouched just so you can use it as a tool like you said. And what if you got pregnant because of it?" she stilled hearing that from Leslie. She can't afford to be involve in his life again. She sense that it would be worst this time if ever things didn't work out.

"No, I won't get pregnant" she said with finality, willing fate to come to her side because to let it play with her and decide to make her pregnant means destroying everything she has worked hard for the last five years.

"I can't get pregnant Les. I won't" she repeated.

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