The Stars (Pidge)

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(A/N: Season one spoilers?
Written with female Pidge.)

The stars. They were beautiful. They made you feel like you weren't so far away from Earth.
You sat on the floor of the control room, gazing up at the strange constellations trying to figure out what they looked like.
"(Y/N)?," you heard Pidge's voice from behind you. You glanced back at her as she came to sit down next to you. "Just looking at the stars. I'm trying to figure out what shapes they look like," you said. Pidge nodded, looking up at them as well.
"That one looks like a chicken leg," she pointed to where she was looking. You laughed, "It does!"
"I think I found a dog," you said as you pointed to it. Pidge smiled. You continued to point out shapes and animals in the stars to each other, laughing together at the random ones you found.
"This was a lot of fun," Pidge said. You nodded. "Yeah, it was."
"I don't know, you make me feel like Earth isn't so far away," she said.
"You're the first real friend I've had in a long time," you replied.
"Ok, can I tell you something?" Pidge asked. "Of course," you said, beginning to get concerned.
"Ok, um, I like you. I mean, I like you in a sort of more than friends way," she blurted out.
"You probably don't think of me in that way-"
"Pidge, I like you too."
"But we can- wait really?"
  You scooted closer and rested your head on her shoulder. She smiled to herself and tilted her head to rest against yours.
  "You know what? I know a better place to look at the stars."
"Come on!"
  Before you could answer, she had already grabbed your hand and was dragging you to the green lion's hangar. You both entered the lion, and Pidge took the controls. She directed the lion out and onto the top of the castle ship. She was right, this was a much better place to view the stars.
  She smiled more at you than the view out in front of her.
  "I'm glad we did this."
  "Me too."

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