Chapter 1: Intoxicated

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Part 1 

 Each drink offer seemed like a better and better idea. The jokes got funnier, the girls got prettier, and more importantly, all of his worries were gone at the moment. Jason picked up another red cup of beer and looked around with a smile on his face. The party was amazing. Girls in shorts and tanks next to some guys who were trying to get lucky. The night wasn't too hot or too cold, it was the perfect night for partying in another state with a few good colleagues, which is what Jason did with his buddies. 

  A short curvy woman smiled at Jason in a way that never meant good things, but already, his face was washed with desire. She rolled back her shoulders and observed as his eyes were drawn downward. Tossing her amber hair, she walked toward him.

"Well hello, beautiful," Jason said, his eyes still glued to her large breasts.

"Beautiful? Yeah right." She snorted.

"Just trying to be nice." Jason grabbed another cup. "Beer?" He handed her the drink.

"Nice, un huh. Where's your wife?" she asked.

Jason laughed. "Wife? I don't have a wife." 

"I heard about the baby," she said before taking a long drink of her beer. The DJ had put on a song that screamed over their conversation. "How about we go to the cabin? It's too loud," the woman said with her hand on his shoulder. Jason agreed.

Once they were in the cabin, Jason sat down on the bed. He ran his fingers through his hair. "It's too early to be this tired," he said.

She sat across from him on the bed. "Congrats, by the way. I really like the name Violet."

Jason nodded, giving her nothing but a "hmmph" in reply. She could tell that a lot was going through his head. "What's up? You don't seem so excited," she said.

He let out a long sigh. "Claire... This may sound bad." He looked directly at her. "But a father? Me?" 

A few guys and girls were laughing outside of the cabin. Claire and Jason looked at the door and hoped the loud mouths wouldn't come inside. Lucky for them, no one came in. Claire nodded. "Didn't they teach you about safe sex in school?" she joked.

Jason laughed. "Yeah but-" His face turned red.

Claire laughed. "But you failed to use one. Now you're a father. At the age of nineteen."

He covered his face. "I'm already paying for school, the apartment, the car note, and the finest art supplies. But a baby? I have three more years of school to complete. How am I supposed to focus?"

"You asked for the goods, now you're paying the price, honey." She shook her head. "My boyfriend, Marcus wants a baby. Can you believe that? He already has names! Denny if it's a boy and Anna if it's a girl." She smiled. "I told him if we have a girl she has to be named Abby."

Jason looked at the floor, thinking about babies, diapers, and tiny feet. The stress slowly crept into his mind once more. "I need another beer," Jason said.

"Beer?" she asked, standing up. "Let's go take some shots."

He smiled and got up to follow her. Every time he got the chance, he'd look at her curvy figure, which was the reason why he walked behind her most of the time. Claire liked it, and after a few shots, the two of them headed back to the cabin. Jason didn't think twice about Claire. As soon as he got into bed with her, there was no turning back. Veronica wouldn't find out. Not now, anyway. In that moment, Jason had no clue he was going to give Claire the Abby she had always wanted.


Jason woke up around 3 AM to someone exiting the cabin. He looked beside him. Claire was still there. Then who was that out there? He wondered.

After putting on his clothes he decided to look outside. When he opened the door he could see a figure running off towards the trees. "Hey!" Jason called after them.

He ran after the figure, thinking they might have stolen something from the cabin. He was more afraid of who saw him than anything else. What if they knew Jason and told his girlfriend what they saw. He picked up the pace but also had to watch for trees because he still felt dizzy from the alcohol.  The cold air whipped his face as he ran.

"Hey!" He yelled when he got closer. The figure was a female. She had long frizzy hair. He couldn't say what color because it was too dark out. Open approaching her, he tackled her to the ground. "What did you steal?"

"Let go of me!" She yelled. 

When he looked into her eyes they started to glow like lightning. His reacted too swiftly for her to do anything else. Jason had punched her in the face making her cover her eyes, he then kicked her in the arm and accidentally tumbled on her hand which resulted in him falling to the ground. He quickly gained his stance again. Jason noticed a book lying on the ground beside her. He picked it up. "What the fuck are you? Why did your eyes just glow."

"No, that's my book. Give it back." She said, her sight now blurry.

A few flashlights were bobbing up and down behind them. Jason could hear his name being called.

"Please." She whispered. "Give me the book, in the wrong hands that book can cause the death of many. Please believe me."

Psychopath. He thought. She was just some girl out her by herself stealing from the cabin. Jason frowned then turned around towards the lights then ran off towards them.

The girl quickly stood up and stuck out her hand towards Jason. However, she put it down when she saw something missing on her finger. Her ring. It wasn't there. She looked all around her. There was no light and she could barely see. She was powerless without the ring. "No, no, no." She said. Part of her wanted to ask for a flashlight, but the way they were running towards her with angry faces she couldn't do so. 

Jason stood with Claire as the others chased the stranger away from their grounds. Jason handed Claire the book. "I think she took this out of your bag or something." He said.

Claire shone her flashlight on it. A black dusty hardcover books with strange symbols and drawings on it. Claire raised an eyebrow. "That isn't mine."

Jason frowned. "Oh man, do you think it was really hers?"

Claire frowned. "Beats me." She said walking back towards the cabin.

Jason looked at the book. It looked interesting. He told himself if he saw the girl again, he'd return it. But until then, it would rest at the bottom of his suitcase for years to come.

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