Chapter 21: An EYE Witness

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"You're dead," Abby whispered. Violet jumped, swinging her hand behind her, practically hitting Abby. 

"Oh my God, don't kill me!" Abby shouted.

"You scared me!" Violet replied. "This game is kind of scary. That's enough."

The two moved from behind the couch and sat down on it. Violet leaned on Abby's shoulder and clutched her jaw. Abby took notice and frowned. "Still hurts?" she asked.

Violet groaned. "Like hell."

"Maybe you should go back to the doctor's," Abby suggested. "It's been two weeks now."

Violet nodded in agreement. "I can't sleep at night, Abby."

"I bet. I don't know what I'd do if my mom walked about in her sleep and did things to me." 

Violet cringed at the thought of her mother yanking out her tooth. "I don't think it's her, Abby," Violet said in a low voice. She sat up and looked at Abby. "Last night... I saw someone in my room."

Abby squinted her eyes. "Could have been you pare-"

"Abby, it had two horns that curled on its head and when it pointed to the left, I saw myself in my own bed being strangled by something I could not see," Violet said. A chill ran down her back as she thought about it. "It told me to sacrifice. Over and over again, I kept hearing the word, sacrifice."

"That's... freaky," Abby said. "But it was just a dream."

"I'm scared, Abby. I really am. Do you think you could convince my dad to let me stay with you?"

"I... can try. But I doubt he'll approve."

"Just try it, okay? I don't like being here." She placed a hand on Abby's shoulder, staring at the ground. "It's very scary here. I don't feel safe anymore."

Abby saw that she was about to cry and placed her hand over Violet's hand. "Hey, you're going to be okay. This storm is going to clear up soon."

Violet shook her head, trying to hide her tears. "This storm has been ongoing for years now. I don't even remember the sun ever shining."

Abby smiled mischievously. "Doesn't the sun always shine with me, though?" She reached for Violet and began tickling her. Violet didn't laugh. In fact, she began choking immediately. Nonstop.

"Violet?" Abby said. Almost two minutes passed until she had stopped her cough attack. "Well, thank goodness no spiders came out," Abby said, patting her friend on the back.

"I felt something in my throat," Violet said, standing up. She walked over to the hallway mirror and opened her mouth. What she saw made her legs as weak as twigs. Violet stopped breathing. Webs hung from her throat and Violet could see a pitch black finger poking at the webs. She choked on words that wouldn't come out, and as soon as she managed to say something, the finger quickly recoiled back inside of her throat, only then to be replaced by an eye. She screamed and backed away from the mirror, holding her throat.

"Abbyyyy!" Violet whimpered. "Help!"

"What? What? What is it now!" Abby said, trying to hold Violet but she just wouldn't stay still. Violet continued to scream until Mrs. Harmon rushed downstairs.

"What now?!" she said, running toward her daughter.

"I don't know!" Abby yelled. "She was choking!"

"Open up, Violet," her mother demanded.

Violet opened her mouth, still trembling in fear. Mrs. Harmon tried her best to see what the fuss was about. Only, she found nothing. She stood up and was about to say something when all of a sudden, she heard a noise come from the back of Violet's throat.

"When are you going to join us?"

The voice was high pitched, wicked, and that of a little girl.

"I'm getting tired of watching you sleep. I just want you here with us."

Mrs. Harmon recoiled in horror. As she backed away, Violet coughed. Her final cough resulted in something flying out of her mouth, landing on Mrs. Harmon's shirt.

It was an eyeball. The pupil moved around, looking here and there.

"Jason!" Mrs. Harmon screamed, ridding herself of the eye. It rolled underneath the couch when she kicked it.

Mr. Harmon ran down the stairs. "What's wrong?!" he said, looking at Violet. He approached her. "Are you okay, Violet?"

Violet wouldn't care if she sounded crazy. "There was an eyeball in my mouth, Dad. I swear!"

Mrs. Harmon pointed to the couch. "It rolled underneath there."

Mr. Harmon stared at them as if considering to believe them or not. However, in the back of his mind, he knew very well they were telling the truth. He turned to Abby.

"Abby saw the whole thing," Mrs. Harmon said.

"Really, Abby? Is it true?" he asked, looking at her.

Abby shook her head. "I was here the whole time and nothing happened," she lied.

Mrs. Harmon and Violet's eyes both bulged at the same time. "But Abby," Violet whispered. "You saw the eye."

"Are you two okay?" Abby asked. She walked toward Mr. Harmon. "Can you give me a ride home? I'm starting to feel spooked out here."

"Sure, go wait in the car," he said to her.

As Abby walked out of the front door, Mr. Harmon shook his head at his daughter and wife. "How could you two play a sick game like this? Are you two trying to scare her?" he asked angrily. He grabbed his keys off the hook by the door and left without saying anything else.

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