Chapter 35: Satisfaction

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By the fifth period, the tables in the cafeteria were all put away. I took a quick peek inside before heading outside. Dj equipment was already set up, balloons slowly bounced on and off the ceiling, a few kids that had volunteered were putting up decorations, and teachers placed snacks and beverages on the table. I smiled. I had never been to a school dance before. I was very excited about it, but nervous at the same time.

I started to go back outside with the rest of the kids, when I was stopped by someone. Someone with curly and messy wild hair. "Well, hello there," Devin said and gave me a little nudge. "Friend," he winked.

I took a deep breath and let it out, along with his name. "Devin, hey."

"Are you heading to the library?" He straightened his glasses on his nose. "I heard a new series of Goosebumps came in today!"

I shook my head. "Actually, I'm going to the playground."

His eyebrows went up. "Okay! I shall assist you," he said. So there we were, strutting down the hallway getting awkward glances from kids. I felt my cheeks go red as people laughed when we would walk by. When we finally got outside, the girls and Ryan was in front of the playground waiting for me.

"Hey," Liz said throwing her arm around me. She looked at Devin, then back at me. "What's going on here?"

Everyone turns to me, even Devin. "Well, don't you want to make the proper introduction?" Devin said.

I smiled and squinted at him. "Sure. Guys this is Devin." He waved as I talked. "Devin," I pointed to the others. "This is Liz, Mariel, Desiree, and Ryan."

"Wow," Devin responds. The way he looked at my friends was weird. He gazed at them as if he was examining their bodies for a science project. Liz took a step back when Devin got too close. 

Ryan shifted. "Okay," he faced me. "Did you see the cafeteria? It's going to be fun."

"The dance!" Devin shouted and popped up in the middle of us. "I myself am a good dancer." He moved away and did some dramatic gestures with his hands, making it wiggle like a worm. Afterward, he moved his hands and legs like he was a robot."

"Hey kid," Liz says squinting at him. "You're embarrassing us. Go play with some robots or whatever. Or save it for the dance." 

I look at Liz, angry at her remark. I'm about to tell her that she didn't have to say it like that when Devin stopped dancing and began to walk away. He looked over at me and waved. "I'll be in the library if you need me! Books, books, books." He gave me a thumbs up and I awkwardly put mine up too.

"What a freak." Liz chuckled. 

"Don't be so mean," Desiree replied back. "Something's probably wrong with him."

Ryan laughed. "Those moves were horrible."

I take a step back from them. I wanted to tell them all to shut up, but I didn't want to have another breakdown. "He's not bad."

"Did you see those moves," Liz laughed.

I shook my head. "I mean, he's not a bad person! He's sweet. Maybe a little weird, but he's a good person." I gave Liz a serious look. "Please don't be mean to him again. He's my friend. 

Mariel clapped and smiled at me. "What a role-model you are, Violet," she joked.

I laughed. "You guys are silly. We'll see who's laughing when we get to the dance floor tonight."

Ryan high fived me. "That's the spirit! We're going to show you all how to really dance."

Desiree smirked. "I can't wait to see that."

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