Chapter 18

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Louis's POV:

Harry talked to me, and said he gets that I'm upset and shit. But, I need to keep my temper down. That I need to stop freaking out on people. He doesn't even fucking know though, that I'm in love with her. So of course I'm gonna act this way when someone says something about her.

Harry doesn't get that she may be miles, hours away, and I have no way of finding her. No way of communicating. I have no idea what's happening to her at this very god damned moment.

Either way, I still haven't punched someone. And all this anger, it was all built up inside of me. And sure I could punch lamps and walls and tables, but I needed to punch someone.

My mind needed to see someone in pain. Because I was in pain. And I needed to see someone feel their own pain, and I wanted to see them cry and fall. Then they'd realize, I was feeling 10 times worse then they were.

I was sitting in AP English, my last period of the day. I would usually text Ally during this period. Now...I can't.

I tapped my fingers on the desk. Charlie was in this class. Usually. She probably won't be here for awhile. And I felt awful for her, because she was going through pain too. If I walked up to her house, she probably wouldn't talk to me. She'd just sob.

"Mrs. Wagner?" The speaker in the room boomed.


"Do you have Louis Tomlinson?" The teacher's eyes met mine.


"Can you send him to the office with his things?" She replied, and I grabbed my backpack and walked down to the office. Why the fuck did they want me? With my things.

I walked in, and the secretary looked at me. "You're needed in the principals office." Fucking great. Sure enough when I walked in the room, that bitch was sitting in a chair with the principal.

I rolled my eyes, and threw my backpack down. I sat in the chair and crossed my arms.

"Mr. Tomlinson. Care to explain." That girl was staring at me. I gawked.

"You seriously want me to explain?!" The girl shook her head.

"I told you he would act this way." I laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me." I shook my head.

"Louis, you cursed her out and you almost punched her. That did happen didn't it?" The principal coldly said. I hate this fucking man.

"Yeah. It did. But she fucking started it. And you've honestly got to understand why I would do that."

"Because I said sorry about Ally?"

"Don't you ever call her Ally."

"I can call her that Louis. She was my friend, remember?"

"You're fucking kidding! We went over this. Don't get me started."

"Why do you even care?!"

"Because I'm her friend. An actual friend." She smirked.

"Yeah, maybe it's cause you like her." She mumbled under her breath. My fists clenched and I glared at her.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. God."

"You said something and you know it." The principal just stared. Nothing came out of his piece of shit mouth.

"It was nothing! Get over it."

"You bitch." She doesn't go saying that, and then say oh nothing. "You're so lucky I'm tired." She laughed.

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