Chapter 6

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I quickly said goodbye to Charlie, and rushed Louis to the car. It was a good thing Louis had his license and I had my permit. I sure as hell wasn't going to let Louis drive.

It was 11:50, and I was driving fast home to his house. I didn't want Louis's poor mom to be late to work. The thing was, the whole time I was driving, Louis kept staring at me. It was as if he was in some trance. I kept my eyes glued on the road, but his drunk smile was all I could see out of the corner of my eye.

When we parked in his driveway, Louis finally spoke up. "Do you love me too Ally?" I looked over at Louis, hope in his eyes. He had a small child-like face that looked like a combination of his younger sisters and his mom. It teared me because he looked so happy, so free.

"We have to go inside so we can watch your sisters." I opened my door, avoiding his question. I made my way to his side, so he could wrap his arm around my shoulders to stand up. I closed his door, and walked up to the front door. "Where are your keys?"

"You're holding them." Right. I grabbed them from my free hand and stuck them in to open the door. When I opened it, Louis's mom was sitting at the table. She looked up, a smile on her face. It quickly disappeared. "I need to go to the bathroom. I think I can walk." He unlatched himself from me and walked into the bathroom.

"Ally! So nice to see you!" I always loved Louis's mom. She always liked me too. She hugged me, and let go. "What happened to Louis?" Concern filled her eyes.

"He's...he's drunk." She looked so sad, she could almost cry. "I don't want his sisters to see him like this, so I offered to stay. If that's ok with you."

"Of course! Louis doesn't know how lucky he is to have you as a friend." She smiled at me. "Why did Louis drink?" What was I supposed to say? He drank because I kissed someone...supposedly.

"He said some things, but...I think he said it only because he was drunk."

"What'd he say? Don't worry, Louis might be in the bathroom for awhile." She looked so concerned, and I knew how hard she worked. I had to tell her what Louis said, or she'd be more upset.

"Um...he said....he drank because he was in love with me. I kissed a guy, and he went to drink. He told me when he was drunk that he...loved me. I'm pretty sure it was all a lie." Louis's mom's face got pale. She looked at the ground, and back to me.

"He...said that to you?"

"Yeah." Her eyes looked all around the room, and she looked back at me again. She shook her head slightly.

"Allison," she sighed, "give him some time. This might be hard for him to recover from tomorrow. Very hard. I have to go to work honey. Thank you for being so considerate." With that, she patted my shoulder, and walked out of the house. I had no clue what she meant. Was she hinting on he was just drunk, or that he really did like me?

I stood up from the chair, and walked over to the bathroom, where Louis hasn't come out. I knocked on the door slightly. "Louis?" No response. No noises. Nothing. "Louis?" I knocked again. A wave of heat over threw me. Why wasn't he answering? Did he pass out? Did he fall asleep? My heart beat sped up and I was breathing loudly.

"Ally?" I finally heard. I tensed up.


"I...I can't get up Ally." Oh my god. "The door's locked. The key is on the ring I gave you. I'm dressed and all, I just can't move." He sounded tired and worn out, as the alcohol that he had never let enter him, finally caught up to his body.

I ran to get the keys, and tried out everyone. I finally got to the third to last key, that fit. I turned it, opening the door to Louis, who had bags under his eyes, his legs out in front of him. He stared up at me. "Ally?" He looked up at me again.

"It's me Louis. Would you be able to walk with your shoulder around me?" He shook his head.

"I can't move at all." He blinked up at me, and I didn't know a solution. What was I supposed to do? "I'm really sorry Ally." Only one thought came to mind. I'd have to carry him to the couch. I don't even think it was possible, but I had no other choice. "What are you doing?" Louis asked as I pushed my hands under him.

"I'm gonna carry you to the couch." His eyes went wide.

"Don't. You'll hurt yourself." I really hoped my push-ups every day at soccer practice would help. I had one arm under his knees, and one behind his back. The couch was only a few feet away, but I wasn't sure if it was possible. "Ally, stop." I slowly lifted him up, holding him in my arms. I bit my lip, running to the couch.

He was so heavy, my arms and legs were getting weak. I ran to the couch, as Louis looked worriedly up at me. I laid him on the couch, dropping my arms, and taking huge breaths. "Allison, please tell me you didn't hurt yourself." This was definitely too much. Louis, being concerned? I was completely confused, and tired.

"I'm fine." I said breathy. His lips were slightly parted. "I'm gonna check on your sisters. Stay here." I walked up the stairs, looking around. Only one room was closed. I slowly opened it up, seeing two pairs of bunk beds. Daisy and Phoebe were on the two bottom ones, both sleeping. It was crazy how much they both looked like Louis.

I smiled to myself, and closed the door, walking downstairs. Louis had the TV on, watching some show. He turned around, and smiled. He was still drunk, though he was getting back to normal- well he would be tomorrow.

"Allison! Come sit down next to me and watch!" I slowly walked to the couch, and sat down on the other side of Louis, slightly farther away from him.

After about half an hour, Louis was getting sleepy, and I was still awake. He smiled sleepily over at me. "Thanks again Allison." He stretched his arms, yawning. I nodded, yawning myself. "I love y..." He closed his eyes, placing his head back on the couch.

I looked over at Louis, his lips slightly parted. His blue eyes were no longer visible, and his hair wasn't curly anymore. It was messy, but it looked cute. Cute?

I stood up from the couch, moving to the chair and hassock. I rested my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes.

Though I was tired, thoughts of Louis flooded my mind. Everything he said tonight replayed throughout my head over and over again.

I was in denial, Ally.

I was in denial, Ally.

I was in denial, Ally.

He was in denial? I was in denial of all that had happened tonight. All he said made total sense. And what his sisters had said, that was most replayed I. My


Are you dating Louis?

No sweetie, I'm not.

Really? Because he said...

I couldn't process the fact that rude obnoxious annoying Louis, actually liked me. It's not like I didn't know him. I knew him completely, for 8 years. It was weird. I didn't like it.

Louis might've liked me, but I definitely didn't like him back. He was rude, obnoxious, annoying, cute, funny, nice on some occasions...what? What the hell was I saying?

Louis wasn't nice! He slept with everyone!

No, he said it was denial, Ally.

No. He's always curses people out, and says rude things.

No, he said that was denial too Ally. Remember how he told you all about how he was nice? That day at his house?

Stop it Ally! You've known Louis, and he's always been the way he is. That isn't going to change. Ever.

Hey! So if you don't know I'm a HUGE After fan! And I love how she says who plays who in the book (who she pictures them as). So I thought maybe I should do that. So here's the cast list (so far);

Ava Sambora- Allison

Louis Tomlinson- Louis

Sarah Hyland- Charlie

Sasha Pieterse- Anna

Hope you're enjoying the book if you're reading it! :)

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