Chapter 23

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Louis's POV:

"So...have you found out any information." Charlie quietly said to me. Just 5 minutes ago, both Charlie and I cried. Yes, I cried. I completely let my gaurd down and cried into her shoulders.

I figured, I need to let Charlie see how much she actually did mean to me. I shouldn't be holding this in, I should be letting it out.

" Not really. Other than that," I took a huge breath, "text. And I swear to fucking god I'm going to kill the man who is doing this to her. I'm going to fucking kill that bastard because-"

"Louis. Keep calm." She calmly said. I hadn't realized how mad I was getting, and I was trying to clench my one fist, which was now impossible.

"Sorry. I just...she means everything to me."

"I know."

"Did you ever...have thoughts? That I might've liked her I mean."

"Of course. The way you look at her gives it all away. I was just waiting for you to tell me." The way I look at her? Is it really that obvious?

"Oh. And what about her?"

"Ally? She's a closed book. It was probably the last thing that would've crossed my mind." I looked up at the sling that was hold my arm. It was so high up, I couldn't even see my own god damn hand.

"Would you mind checking my hand to see how it looks?" She nodded, and stood up from her chair. When she crossed to my arm, I saw her touch it, but there was no feeling at all. Fucking great sign.

"Well, it It's bright red, but sort of purple too. And your knuckles are all wrapped up so I can't see them. There are some scratches all over your hand." Shit. I probably looked all messed up and disheveled from my own doing.

A knock on the door causes Charlie and I to both turn around. In the doorway was my mum, a tissue in hand. She looked broken down, tired, sad. She stared at me, then at Charlie.

"Hello dear. Would you mind if I have a chat with Louis alone?" Charlie nodded, and waved me goodbye. She closed the door behind her, as my mum sat down next to me. She looked at my arms, and my legs, and my face. My face was probably still red from my crying earlier, but I didn't give a shit. "Oh love," she said sadly, "oh my precious little Louis."

"I know, I know. You hate seeing me like this, why do I do this to myself. " She wiped her already tear-filled eyes with her tissue, and then looked at me.

"Of course I do. But when I look at you I don't see an anger filled lunatic. I see a wonderful young man."

"I-I don't understand. I always get into trouble and curse. I threw things and beat myself up."

"That's not who you are, Louis. You're the man who gets your sisters everyday, and cooks dinner and cleans the house. You're the man who doesn't take no for an answer. For goodness sakes you're the man who is out looking for the girl he loves because he won't give up until he finds her!" I was silent. This was the first I had ever heard my mum not yell at all the stuff I did. "Yes, you broke your hand...and the wall...and a lamp and your phone- that's not the point! You did it because you felt anger; because you cared about someone. And that shows how much you've grown up."

"Mum." I smiled, and she smiled back.

"It feels like just yesterday I was walking you into pre-school. You literally pushed me away. You were always an independent boy, who never needed his mum. And that's who I will always know you as."

She was saying such...caring things. I had never cried in front of my mum, except out of anger. I've never really had heart felt talks with my mum either. We were always distant, but now it felt so...nice. Yeah, it was nice.

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