Chapter 35

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Ally's POV:

"Stop it..." I said to Guy.

"I'm not lying, Allison."

"But I'm nowhere near perfect." He laughed.

"That's exactly what he said about himself." I can't even believe he would say that about me. I've heard Louis call me a lot of things over these past few months, but perfect? Perfect was never even mentioned before.

I want to know more of what he says, but if I have to hear one more heart-wrenching perfectly poetic group of words come out of his mouth, I think I'm going to go insane. If only I could tell him how I feel about him. Even if I could, I would feel stupid comparing my words to his. I swear, he should become a poet when he's older.

"Oh, I brought you this." Guy handed me a piece of paper, it was all crumpled up and ripped.

"What is it?"

"It fell out of his pocket I guess. I found it on the seat after he left my office. He wrote it, because his name is on it. I guess it was for class, because his grade was on the top. I believe it's about you, but you can decide that for yourself. I'll need it back though, because I have to give it back to him tomorrow."

I unfolded the piece of paper in my hands and looked at the top. In his handwriting it read 'Louis Tomlinson', and in the middle it said Pain. I looked to the top right hand corner of the paper, where in read pen it said 'A+ See me after class'. I looked up at Guy, who was just staring at the paper. I looked back down at it, and looked at all the slanted words written below in his handwriting.

It only gets harder
Waking up every day
Listening to people say
'It'll all be okay'

I don't want to hear that
I want the truth
And I know the truth now
Because I'm here without you

The pain's only growing
It gets worse by the hour
There's a screaming in my head
But it only gets louder

You can't fall asleep
You're awake thinking of it all
To the point where you're so broken
That you're just going to fall

My thoughts overcrowd
And suddenly I'm lost
In a world where I can see you
At no cost

But you're not here
You're caught in his plan
You're in pain and denial
All from that man

I'm looking for you
I search day and night
Hoping and praying
That I'll save you tonight

Yes the pain is still here
It's evident at the sound of your name
But no matter how far away we are
I'll always love you the same

I kept re-reading over and over again the words. This was definitely about me. This was really about me?

I'll always love you the same

He really is a poetic beauty. This...this whole poem is written by him. John really was right. I am his muse. I inspires this whole poem, and I don't know how I feel about it. Half of me is so happy, so joy-filled that he wrote it about me, and that I get to read his words. The other half of me is depressed after reading this. Reading how he feels, and what he goes through. I don't even know how to put it into words

This poem isn't perfect. It's not even close. It's much, much better than perfect. It's...beautiful. All I've been doing while I've been here is reading what he writes. Everything he says is...incredible. Never had I ever thought Louis was this good of a writer.

Do I have to give this back? Can't I just save all of his pieces of work and lock them up in a box and read them. I won't ever forget these words.

"Why does it say 'see me after class' on the top?" Guy sighed.

"Because she wanted to make sure he was mentally stable. And that's why he has to see me every day. I just realized now. They never let me read the 'piece of writing' that caused him to come to me, but now I know what it was."

"Have you read it yet?"

"No." Oh. I gripped the piece of paper in my hands, cherishing the time I would still have with it until it's gone. "Was it perfect?" I laughed.


"It was bad?"

"No," he looked at me confused, "it was better than perfect."

Louis's POV:

"Hurry and place the napkins on the table, he's going to be here any minute!" I rolled my eyes. He isn't going to fucking care how the meal is. She's stressing over nothing to be honest.

I did as she said though, and put the napkins on the table. I sighed, and walked back into the kitchen. The whole family was in there, and they were all scurrying about.

The door bell rang, and my mom screeched. She pushed me to answer the door, and I did just that. When I opened the door, it was something I had never seen before. Paul wasn't in his police uniform. He was in a casual outfit, and he had a smile on his face, a bag in his hand.

"Louis, how are you?" He asked, as if he completely forgot this afternoon.

"Good." I ignored the bag in his hand, as I let him enter the house. I closed the door behind him, and my mum and sisters entered the room. My mum no longer had her apron on, and she had her hair down.

"Hello, I'm Johanna, Louis's mum." She smiled, and Paul did the same back.

"What a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello, I'm Lottie and this is Felicité." Lottie said calmly. He said hello back to them, and then he looked at the twins. He smiled, and knelt down to their level.

"And who do we have here?" My mum nudged me, meaning I had to introduce them.

"That's Daisy, and that's Phoebe." I said. He smiled.

"You know Louis talks about you two all the time?" They both smiled, but they obviously had no idea who this man was. I just shoved my hands in my pockets, and watched Paul stand up from his kneeling position. "I brought some homemade bread."

"Oh my, you didn't have to! It smells delicious though! Why don't I bring this into the kitchen, and Louis you show him too the table." She ran into the kitchen, and I couldn't help but laugh.

I walked to the table in the kitchen, and Paul followed me. All the girls sat down except Lottie, and I let Paul sit in his seat. I followed Lottie into the kitchen, where I heard them talking. You couldn't hear from the table, but I could hear from where they were standing.

"He's quite handsome, yeah?" My mum said.

"Yeah. I'd prefer my boyfriend." They both laughed. Boyfriend? My little sister...has a boyfriend? Why do I not know about this?

"How is he?"

"He's great. I'm so excited for you to meet him!" When the hell is she meeting him? When do I get to meet him? I felt this...overprotective feeling sweep over me. I hated it.

"Let's get this all ready and hurry out, yeah?" I walked quickly back to the table, and sat next to Felicité. I swear to fuck if she has a boyfriend too...I took out my phone. I know Lottie has an Instagram, I just didn't know what it was.

I looked through who Felicité followed, and found her name. I clicked on her Instagram, and scrolled through her pictures. Nothing was there. It was all boring and...what the actual fuck? A picture of them kissing was in the middle of all of them.

I clicked on it, and saw it. He had brown hair, and tattoos all along his arms. Why the hell is she dating him?! The caption read:

With this guy. <3 @zaynmalik

With his username in the caption. I clicked on his, and saw all the things I didn't want to see. His tattoos, him and her, just her. There were pictures of his soccer ball, I guess he played soccer. She's dating a tatted up boy who plays soccer and has piercings!

"Ah! Finally it's all done!" My mum proclaimed as she entered the room with all the food. They set it all down, and sat down. My anger was at its highest, as I stared at Lottie. "So Paul, what is it like being a police officer?" Everyone was putting food on their plates.

"It's great. The thrill is amazing, and helping people is just a great experience. Without this job, I wouldn't have met Louis." I didn't even smile towards him. I just glared at Lottie.

I don't know who the fuck this Zayn kid is, but if he even thinks to touch my little sister, I'm gonna punch him in the face. She shouldn't be dating this kid. He's no good for her. She's a beautiful smart woman, and he's this punk soccer player!

"Louis, could you pass the bread?" Lottie asked me. I gripped the bowl harshly, and almost shoved it at her. She looked confused, but didn't question it.

"So Johanna, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a nurse." She said cheerfully. It then triggered a whole long conversation about hospitals, and stories to share. Daisy and Phoebe got tired and went upstairs with Felicité. Everyone was mostly done eating, and the conversation kept going.

"Up at school, my friends do that all the time!" Lottie responded to the conversation. I glared at her.

"Like who?" I asked harshly. My mum gave me a weird look, but I ignored it.

"Oh just like Mandy and Jenna."

"Hm, any guy friends?" She looked confused.

"Yeah, I have some guy friends." Paul's eyes went from me to Lottie to me.

"Oh I don't know, maybe a Zayn." Her eyes went wide at the name.

"Z-Zayn? How do you know Zayn?" I laughed.

"Your Instagram."

"Louis it's not that I didn't want to tell you, I just knew you'd freak out."

"And why is that, huh? Why the fuck would I freak out?!" She was silent. She looked over at my mum. "Is it maybe because he has tattoos and he has piercings?" Paul stood up.

"I need to take this call." He said, as his phone vibrated in his hand. My mum looked at Paul, then back to us.

"Louis, he's not how he looks."

"He looks like a fricken punk that I don't want my younger sister dating. If you're going through the 'I want to date a bad boy' stage, you'd better get over it quickly."

"You out of all people have no right to judge him."

"Why is that?" She gulped. My mum shook her head, but Lottie took in a deep breath.

"Because you look the exact same way. You can't even argue with that statement. But he isn't bad, just like you aren't. He's nice and kind, and I see the good in him. If you were the older sister of Ally, would you let her date you?!" She had an angry look on her face. I felt all the blood drain from my face. He...she...they...I don't know what to say.

"I'll be right there." Paul said quickly, hanging up the phone. He rushed in. "Louis, I got a call from the police station. We have to go now."

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from the conversation, where my attitude changed instantly to Ally mode.

Hello! So what do we think of Zayn? Comment below your thoughts, and what you think is going to happen at the police station! <3

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