Chapter 31

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>unedited version<

Ally's POV:

"Are you feeling okay?" John asked me. It was Friday, and my birthday had passed, and so had Thursday. Once again, he left me feeling frozen, and I dreaded everything about this place. Of course I cried afterwards. He gave me Louis's text. I swear, I read it all the time. It gave me more hope than anything in here.

"Not really. Just give me my coffee please." John slid the coffee mug over to me, and I took huge sips. I have actually been tempted to alcohol lately because it relieves stress...apparently. I've never had it, but after this, I wanted too.

I continued to drink my coffee, as it woke me up instantly. I shut my eyes at all the grimacing moments that have even happened in the past week. A lot has happened. The...first time...and second. The MP3 player, and the song. The text I sent Louis. The text I received. And of course, finding out that "the boss" was my princ- Rob. Rob.

I downed the rest of my coffee, and slammed the mug on the table. I zoned out, staring at I don't even know what. I just know I was a little out of it this morning. From all that's happened...I don't even know what's going to happen anymore. And the scariest part was, I was used to all of this. I shivered at the awful thought.

"Um," John looked around, "I have to tell you something." I sighed.

"John, I don't want to hear any of your pity."

"It's not pity-"

"John, all you ever say is 'Are you okay? Are you okay?'. And you know what? I'm not okay honestly. I'm here sitting at a table, chugging down coffee just to stay awake because I can never get to sleep. I'm literally sitting across from the man who can get me out of this dungeon and out into the free world. But no, could would he help? Okay? I know you tried to help with your note on the clock, but it just ended in utter disaster." I was all angry, and my face was all red. "Sorry if I'm coming of harsh, but it's true."

I took back nothing of what I said. It was all what I had been feeling for so long, and I finally just needed to let it out. I was well aware that John was the only nice and respectful one here, but I was sick of that fowl word "okay". He sighed.

"I know. You're right. That's why I was going to say I have a plan."

"John just sto-" I stopped in my tracks, "repeat what you just said."

"I said I have a plan. To get you out of here? Out of this 'dungeon'." My eyes went wide.

"B-but you said-"

"I know what I said. But I can't take this anymore! He's torturing you and he tells me how much Louis is breaking down and this Louis kid seems nice so, I need to get you out."

"Is it a good plan?"

"Yes. Are you ready to hear it?" My heart was pounding from this adrenaline rush. Would I really get out? I have to actually hear the plan first. I cleared my throat, and ended up just nodding in the end. The smirk on his face was evident, as he got ready to tell me his plan.

Louis's POV:

"They're here!" My mum squeaked as soon as the doorbell rang. It was already Friday, and Lottie and Felicité were coming home. I took my phone down to the police station yesterday. I let Paul read both her note and mine, and he said that she only seems better than I've told him about her.

They synced my phone to their computer, and gave me my phone back. They basically told me they probably wouldn't be able to find anything. I knew they'd say that, exactly why I didn't want to bring my phone in the first place.

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