Chapter 30

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Louis's POV:

My breathing was getting heavy, more and more tears drenching my face.

Lastly Louis, don't cry over me. I'm not worth your pain.

That sentence was hitched in my brain, and it was making me go insane. It was eating at my insides and every single ounce in my body was denying what she said. She is worth my pain. If she wasn't worth my pain, I sure as hell wouldn't be fighting this hard for her.

My mum was looking at me, horrified, and I had my fists clenched. I looked at my surroundings. Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me. There were pillows surrounding me, and that's fucking all! No lamps, no vases, nothing breakable. I looked up above me to the signs that read what was in each aisle. Lamps were in the next aisle. I looked back at my mum, before walking.

"Louis please don't let this get to your head!" I continued walking to the aisle. It was filled with breakable objects, everything. I looked down at my already broken hand. It's already damaged enough, its not like anything worse could happen to it. I walked furiously down to a huge lamp. It looked shitty, but breakable.

My fists clenched more, and I was about to hit it, when my mum stepped in front of me. Her face was serious as she looked at me. I stared at her confused, and unclenched my hands.

"You want to break the lamp? You'll have to hit me first." I looked at her sad, yet determined face. At this point, my fists were unclenched.

"Mum. Move, please." She shook her head. I looked in the middle and everyone was staring at us. My mum didn't care, she just glared at me. I gulped, and looked back at her.

"Unclench your fists, and take deep breaths." I took a deep breath and looked back at my phone. I looked at the citizens watching nearby, my temper still high.

"What the fuck are you looking at? Keep walkin'!" I yelled. They all looked surprised, then continued walking. I kept taking deep breaths, until my mum looked at me. "I'm sorry."

"it's not your fault. Sorry if I was stern with you. You get in this mood where unless the person is serious, you won't listen to them." I nodded.

"Mum, I can tell that she wrote it. It wasn't him. And she said 'Lastly Louis, don't cry over me. I'm not worth your pain' . Mum! You know she is, and what am I supposed to say? How do I even tell her? It's like it's eating at my brain that she doesn't know that she is." She shrugged.

 Louis, why would she send you that? What day is it? Her birthday. He probably let her because it was her birthday. You might as well text her back right? What harm could be done with that? Maybe he'll show it to her. Then you can take it down to the police station, and show them so then they can track back the number." I sighed.

"Mum, they already tried backtracking the last one. They couldn't. And wouldn't texting back cause more problems?" She shrugged.

"What's the worst that could happen." We were both silent, as she looked at her cart. This was all too much, and the fact that I actually controlled myself this time. mum did. "Let's go check out, and go home." I nodded and followed her.

When we got to the check out place, some teenage-aged girl was checking us out. I kept looking at my phone, and she just stared at me. I rolled my eyes, and thought about what I should text back. Should I make it long? Short? Should I even text back to begin with? This was all so...her letter was so...I can't even describe it. In a way it made me...happy. Hearing all my questions being answered about her that I was yearning to know. And she said she loved me. That's...that's all I needed to feel content.

"Louis, darling. Would you push the cart behind me?" I nodded to my mum, and place my phone in my pocket. My mum started walking, as I took the cart. Just as I placed the bags in the cart, the girl behind the counter stopped me.

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