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"Sleep is such a luxury , which I cannot afford " - Robin Sikiwar

" Why would you not go through with it ?" Rose asked whilst angrily moving the spoon in her coffee cup. I was 100% sure that the hot liquid in her cup was going to tip all over her hands and the hard surface of the table we were sat on.

Rather than usually sitting in the cafeteria or library , Rose had suggested that we visit the new school coffee shop that the transfer student (My only other friend apart from Rose ) had opened up in hopes of getting noticed for his culinary skills. He was going to have his first official oral exam in front of the board soon , it was because of that he had been getting nervous on whether or not they'd accept his choice of work , Rose and I had suggested to him to test it out by using one of the empty business avenues in the school hall.

" Careful there Rose. Those tables cost a fortune. We can't have you messing them up again . It takes forever for the new ones to arrive " Jay spoke out. His eyes narrowed whilst the beginnings of a smile began to show.

Rose only glared in response.

" Because hmmm.... I don't know ? It's almost like a prostitution service. " I retorted before stuffing a red velvet cupcake in my mouth.
Jay slowly looked away before rolling his eyes used to the dumb arguments Rose and I had every other week. Despite the fact we were best friends it was always common for us to be debating or in other words arguing when it came to certain topics.

" What?! How? Just because you pay for a hot guy to hug you in the middle of the night or maybe do other things to help you get to sleep! You're making it out to be weird besides you think that you should at least try ? Who knows maybe things will finally work out ." She said whilst waved her hands frantically towards the ceiling as she was talking.

Jay heavily sighed.

Oh gosh. They're going to have another stupid fight.Again. For the fifth time this morning.

" Rose, maybe you should let Riley be the one to make a decision that has to do with solely and completely her rather than dictate her as you always must ". He nodded his head towards me.

And it begins.

" Stay out of it James. I don't see how this has anything to do with you. Nor did I ask for your opinion " . Jay's full name just so happened to be James Alistar Hardy, he personally preferred Jay for reasons I did not know but simply mentioning the name he tended to go pale and on edge.

Jay's face went pale before he stiffened to the point his breathing went shallow. I noticed then from the slightest movement of my eye that he seemed to be hurt more angry. Jay would never had told us his name if it weren't for his driver who for some odd reason repeatedly called him James to provoke him. Jay hated the guy yet for another odd reason didn't ever fire him or have him replaced.

" No, I don't suppose you did but then again when is it ever about anybody else's opinions over. Whatever, I don't need this, I'm going off to class. Riley lock up for me or tell Gregory to close up. " Jay then abruptly stalked off towards the wide open set of doors.

" Rosie ? " I whispered feeling bad for how quick everything escalated between them. It was always like that. It was almost irritating.

" You know not to call him James and how wound up he gets over it", I spoke after a few minutes. The silence had then somehow managed to get even more awkward as she chose not to speak.

It was when I started to move that she finally spoke.

" He...I didn't mea- I saw him with Lucy again. " she whispered staring intently at her hands. They were tightening around the cup of coffee, she had only moments ago been given personally by Jay. I watched her as she took a big gulp of her drink before looking up at me.

She only gave me a sad smile before looking down again. Her doe eyes filled with tears as she breathed in deeply.

" What can I do to help Rosie ?"

She moved her hands across her face before showing me a brighter smile but a seemingly fake smile. The tears in her eyes had now completely vanished. She opened up her compact mirror and freshened her lipstick up before turning to me once again.

" Ring up. Ring up Insomnia Cuddles and this time accept all conditions and go through with it ... It's the least you can do for me."

I felt myself nod my head.

What have I got myself into it ?

" Hello?" I can't believe I'm doing this.
" WHAT!? " a voice yelled at me.
It wasn't long before I heard another voice quietly yelling and then slapping the boy who was on the phone with me.
" ...Fucks sake. Why am I doing this ? Where the fuck has Ace got to now?!" Voice 1 whispered in the background.
" You're doing this maybe because it's your damn company and you know Ace, he's only doing this for the girls." Voice 2 whispered back with just as much anger as voice 1.

I cut the phone off . Again for the second time in a row. I decided to ring back thinking the first number was probably dialled wrong.

Should I be doing this? Why should I ? I'm tired, just so damn tired.

" Hello"
" Yes." The same voice from before greeted me only this time his voice sounded like he was doing his best to hold back everything he wanted to say.
" Umm... " What do I say ?
" What do you want ?" His abrupt voice pulled me out of my panicked thoughts.
"I don't know. I've never done this before "
"Oh for the love of God " He mumbled under his breath before carrying on.
"We hear at Insomnia Cuddles provide you a chance to enjoy a good nights sleep with one of our many , many Teddy Bears. All you have to do is simply choose one and sign the contract brought alongside them. Capiche?" Rather than before when he was talking as if he was going to kill me through the phone he now spoke as a robot. Emotionless and dead on the inside.
" We'll email you our Teddy Bear catalogue in a week. After that you can follow the instructions to a good nights sleep... Ace ?! There the fuck you are, you dickhead . Get over here now or I'll destroy you and everything you've ever loved" Not this again. This guy needed serious anger management help.
"So basically Ace only ." A third voice now laughed.After hearing a few moments of shuffling about.
" Why hello there Miss. Are you currently aware of the services you are requesting." And it was Ace once again.

After the whole debacle with voice 1 and 2 , Ace gladly took over and took my details before telling me when my Teddy Bear Catalogue would arrive and what to expect for my first time. He was a lot helpful than the other two idiots I had been talking to.

I've done it. Let's do this Riley. Let's have a good nights sleep for once. Let's stop being tired.

- Void.

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