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Josh and i walked back to the group in silence, hoping they wouldn't ask us anything or call us out on the strangely large amount of time it took us to 'go to the bathroom'.

'where were you guys?' Simon questioned, obviously suspicious.

'we told you, we went to the bathroom.' Josh spoke with confidence. i usually leave Josh to do the talking, since his voice doesn't shake and he doesn't get nervous around them.

for some reason, he's not afraid of them. the majority of people are, even people closest to them. i've seen what they can do, and especially since they've done it to one of my best friends, makes me even more terrified.

she never even did anything to them. there is nothing wrong with her, her appearance is gorgeous, her figure perfectly proportionate. her freckles match her skin tone and green eyes perfectly, and her hair dye job is the best i've seen before.

they have absolutely no reason to pick on her. she's amazing inside and out. that's why i like her. and she doesn't have a damn clue.

i've liked her for three years now, and i've almost given up hope, she surely doesn't like me back. every time we say 'love you' to each other hurts, because i wish we would say it in the context i've hoped for three damned years.


I pull out my phone, texting Luna back.

L: 'all good? xx'

J: 'everything's alright, don't worry. x'

Tobi looked over my shoulder, curious as to what i was doing. he took one glance and then smiled briefly at me, the pain dancing in his eyes like a flame dancing in low oxygen.

i knew about his crush on Luna. however, i was the only one that knew.

honestly, Simon and JJ must be pretty fucking dumb to not have picked up on our businesses with her.

we're almost blatantly obvious about it, i text her out in the open and they've even looked through my texts. they must've been in so much denial as to why i was texting this Luna and jumped to the conclusion that i was 'getting in' with another one.

i checked the time. almost time for last period. i texted her real quick, before the bell could go.

J: 'hey, do you wanna do something with Vikk, Tobi and me after school?'

L: 'sure, come by my house once you've gotten rid of the others. see you guys later :) xo'

she was such an affectionate person, she had no reason to be so afraid of the boys that considered me as a friend, because they had no reason to bully her in the first place.


we reached Mei's house pretty quickly, and then Ethan and Ivory stopped in front of his house.

'will you be alright to walk home on your own?' Ivory asked, clearly concerned.

'i should be alright, it's only another ten minutes, love.' i smiled weakly at her. i put on a brave front so that she wouldn't worry, but on the inside i really didn't want her to let me go.

'nonsense, you can stay here until i leave.' she turned to Ethan, who wasn't paying attention to anything that just happened. 'Ethan, can Luna stay too?'

'sure, the more the merrier!' Ethan seemed legitimately happy about more people staying over, as he was such a people person he loves to spend time in the company of his friends. although, that happiness was short lived.

'i won't need to stay that long, just until Josh comes and picks me up.' i assure them, giving them a smile.

'oh, where are you going?' Ivory asked.

'i'm not sure, but i'm going with Josh, Tobi and Vikk. they won't let anything happen to me.' Ivory took a fair bit of convincing.

she's like the 'mum friend', always worries about the others and makes sure they're alright.

i pull out my phone to text Josh and tell him to pick me up from Ethan's house instead, since i was currently there.

J: 'cool, we just got rid of the boys, we're on our way.'

Josh was such a good friend, he always looked out for me, and i honestly think he would give anything for me, as i would for him. it was the same with Tobi and Vikk. we all had such a close bond. i was excited to do skmething with them, as we used to.

my phone vibrated, i had received another text from Josh.

J: 'by the way, do you have any money?'

L: 'uhh, no, why?'

J: 'doesn't matter.'

L: 'okay?'

i was really confused. what would i need money for?

my thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Ethan went to answer it, and there stood Josh. Vikk and Tobi were out leaning on the fence.

i hugged Ivory goodbye, and Ethan hugged me goodbye too. they told me to stay safe, and i promised them i would.

just as they were closing the door, tobi yelled out 'use protection!' and received laughs from them, and us.

'so, what are we gonna do?' i asked.

'well, first of all, we're going to go to our houses to get changed our these uniforms.' Josh said.

'then we'll see where we go from there.' Tobi finished.

Josh and Tobi led the way to my house, as it was closest in the chain of houses we were going to next. i was walking with Vikk, and we were having some playful banter when we reached my house.

i walked around them and unlocked the door, walking inside. then i noticed they weren't following.

'you guys can come in, my parents aren't home.' and with that, they all flooded in.

i went upstairs and got changed. i put on my striped crop top and fishnet stockings over my ripped mom jeans. i took out my hair, and put on some white sunglasses, grabbing a mustard cardigan and slipping on my white adidas runners as i walked out of my room and back downstairs.

'alright, where to next boys?' i ask them. they were all so casual about my outfit, and it made me feel more comfortable wearing it around them, since it didn't seem to make a difference to them.

we left my house and i locked the door behind us.

'my house.' Vikk told me. it wasn't far to his house, only a three minute walk, as it was only a few short blocks away.

we went into his house, and he changed into a plain black shirt, black jeans and a grey fleece hoodie.

Tobi and Josh were next, and they lived next door to each other, so Vikk and i just sad outside on the fence that seperate the land.

Josh came out wearing a white shirt, red and black plaid jacket and black jeans.

Tobi came out wearing a black hoodie with the logo 'SDMN', a popular brand, on it, and grey semi-tight tracksuit pants.

he began to come out of his house, but then remembered his phone was upstairs. he ran up to get it, and during that time, three voices i didn't think i'd hear again that day, began getting louder as they were getting closer.

— woo! linked photo is what Luna is wearing! (luckily i found someone with matching hair nice nice)

— btw it's a friday in this and the next couple of chapters heh

— sorry to leave this on a semi - cliffhanger, the chapter is getting long and my thumb started cramping lmao. hope you're enjoying my story! if you're not, please give me some feedback so i can improve my story! thank you 💖

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