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entering the front doors of westfield, first thing said was of course relating to the food court. so, that's where we headed first. i didn't have any money, so Josh said he would pay for me.

'remind me to pay him back.' i whispered to Vik, and Josh turned around like the hawk he is.

'no.' Josh said, since he's one of those people that doesn't take people's money, even if he's the reason they're trying to give it to him.

'yes.' i whispered to Vik again, and we cracked up laughing.

once we reached the food court, we all decided to get fries and ice cream, a strange combination yes, but a delicious one all the same.

we sat down at a two seater table, and boy, were we a sight to see.
a little Indian boy seated on a dark haired white boy's lap, and across from that oddity, a small brown boy sitting on a white girl with silver hair's lap.

which was weirder?

we shall never know.

although we looked fabulously out of place, that just made it an even greater time.

'i miss when we used to do this more often.' i said, sadly, reminiscing the countless times years ago.

'yeah.' they all agreed.

suddenly, Vik stood up, looking panicked and patting his hands over his pockets.

'shit lads, i left my keys in the house. where am i gonna stay the weekend?'

'at your house? what about your parents?' Tobi asked.

'they're on a weekend getaway. they're back on monday afternoon. i won't have a uniform either!' he started to panic.

'uh, okay well for starters, you can borrow one of my spare uniforms, we're about the same size, yeah?' Tobi offered.

Vik began to calm down, as a plan was being constructed.

'and you can stay at my house for those nights.' i said.

they all looked towards me.

'what? it's not like we're going to do anything. plus, my parents are on a business trip and won't be back for another three weeks.'

'thank you so much!'

'it's alright. hey, why don't we all just crash at my house? we can watch movies and eat the weekend away?' i asked, laughing.

everybody was down, so we left westfield and made our way back to my house, making stops at all the boys' houses, skipping Vik's.

'do you want it to just be us, or should i invite Ivory and Ethan, and all them?' i asked, after we had stopped at Tobi's and Josh's and were making our way to my house.

'well, we have got the whole weekend to ourselves, why the heck not?' Josh said, excitedly.

i sent out the message to Ivory and Ethan, then to Mei and Lucas.

within half an hour of getting home, everybody was over. we decided we were gonna camp outside, two people per tent. but we needed to get some of those, and some other supplies.

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