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the rest of the night was rather uneventful. Lucas went home after the whole Simon incident, so did Mei. JJ decided to stay with us, taking over Lucas and Mei's tent.

i woke up to eight missed calls from Mei, so i called her back, and walked into the house to prevent anybody else from hearing the call.

'L-Luna?' she asked, stuttering a little.

'Mei? what's up?' i asked her.

'i don't know what to do... Lucas is mad with me about the whole Simon thing, and he's just getting angrier because Simon keeps texting him. he keeps texting me as well...'

i don't know what it was that made me snap. maybe i was defensive over my friend, maybe i was jealous that the most attractive guy in our year made out with one of my best friends.

i don't know what it was, but it made me snap. hard.

'look Mei i would be pretty fucking mad too if i found out that my girlfriend of two years decided to cheat on me with a douchebag. it probably also wouldn't help the fact that neither of you are leaving him alone. i'm sorry, but i can't help you out of this one. you fucked up.'

and i hung up on her. i don't think i made her situation any easier, or her mood any lighter, but i told her what she had to hear eventually.

'Luna, are you alright?' Tobi walked into my kitchen, to see my face red and tears running down my face. i didn't even realise i was crying.

i shook my head no, and he brought me into a tight hug, i hugged him back even tighter.

'what's wrong?' he asked me. i didn't know what to say, so i just wiped away my tears and attempted a smile.

'a lot.'

'do you want to talk about it? i'm always here for you.'

i nodded and we started walking upstairs to my room after making sure everyone was still asleep.

'okay, what's up?' he asked me.

i started to list everything, and lastly spoke about the phone call with Mei.

'i think you did the right thing. maybe a little less yelling could do, but she was gonna hear it eventually.' he reassured me.

'uh,' i began to speak, 'actually, don't worry about it.' then decided that maybe i should keep the crush, if you could call it that, to myself.

although, knowing Tobi, he found a way to get it out of me.

'what? Luna, what aren't you telling me?' he asked, giving me the lost puppy eyes.


'well,' she began, 'i think i have a crush on Simon.'

and my whole world began to crash around me. she loved somebody else. i knew it would come, just not now. i wasn't ready for it.

it was the last thing i was expecting, he was the last person i was expecting. because it was him, just made it feel so much worse.

my face fell visibly, and so did my feelings. and, knowing Luna, she noticed.

'Tobi? are you alright?' she asked.

i covered it up by telling her i felt bad it was on him, since he was so mean to her and was such a douchebag.

'honestly, i don't think he'd be that bad, if i wasn't me. like, if he didn't hate me and all.'

she had such high expectancies of him, and loved that in her. she looked for the good in people, even if the bad scared her.

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