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i quickly turned my head around to find where they were coming from. Simon and JJ were generally loud people, and i couldn't see them in plain sight yet, so, as i was given the chance, i bolted into Tobi's house, and straight into the bathroom in his mother's room.

i then proceeded to lock the door, and get out my phone.

L: Tobi, i heard the boys outside. i'm currently hiding in your mum's bathroom, if they see you guys, please don't tell them i'm here.

T: boys had same idea as you, once they saw you take off they noticed them and ran into the house as well. i met them at the bottom of the stairs. i don't think they noticed them.

L: where are you guys?

T: we went back into my room, we're watching them from the window.

L: okay, i'm coming in there.

i unlocked the door and walked out, trying not to make much noise. my shoes seemed rather loud to me, in my paranoid state, so i slipped them off, picked them up and continued padding down the hall.

eventually, after what seemed like ages of ducking below windows out of fear and creeping along the walls, i reached the door of Tobi's room, opened the door and walked in.

they didn't hear me until the door clicked as i shut it, and they all jumped as they weren't expecting it.

i let out a quiet giggle, and walked closer to them.

'what's going on?' i asked.

'well, they're not leaving, they're just kinda standing there. they might come up and knock on the door, but we just won't answer. there's no cars in the driveway anyway, so they'll just assume there's nobody home.' Josh replied.

'but then they'll probably text me.' Tobi stated, 'i'll just tell them i've gone out with Manny.'

'wait, they're going next door.' Vikk stated.

'oh thank goodness.' i said, relieved.

we all observed them and waited for them to leave. since nobody answered there, they decided to come back to Tobi's house and knock on his door.

'lads, i feel so mean. like, we're meant to be their friends.'

Tobi always was one to be nice. he always looked to cater towards others and their feelings first rather than his own.

Jide and Simon continued ringing the bell until Tobi texted them.

T: hold on lads, just on the toilet.

i started laughing when i saw that, but Josh immediately put his hand over my mouth to muffle the noise.

'alright, here's what we're gonna do. you guys go sit in my mum's bathroom, i'll take care of Jide and Simon. don't make too much noise, maybe just text? anyway, go hide in there, if something happens i'll text you.'

we all exited Tobi's room and split off to where we were meant to go. Josh, Vik and i went into his mum's bathroom, where i had recently taken short residence, and made ourselves comfortable.

Vik was sat in the bathtub, as he was rather short so he fit nicely, i was spread across the floor, staring at the ceiling and Josh was sitting on the toilet lid, scrolling through his phone.

staring at the ceiling became boring quickly, so i made an iMessage chat with Josh, Vik and myself, named it 'LADS LADS LADS' and sent the first message.

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