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'hey! where are you guys?' Lucas asked.

'we're at the football oval a couple blocks down.'

'cool, can i just meet you at Nando's?'

'sure! see you soon!'

'bye neil!' Lucas said

'wait what?' i asked, confused.

'well, since your name is Hadraniel, i wanna call you Neil. is that alright?' i laughed at his logic.

'completely. see you in a bit.' and i hung up.

he was standing right outside, and since he had nothing in KFC he got Nando's with us.

as we were leaving, i got a phone call from Ivory.

'Luna! look, please don't tell Lucas, or any of them for that matter, but something's happened. i'm currently leaving Simon's house, JJ, Tobi and Josh are coming too.' she sounded like she was crying.

'are you okay, Ivy? wait, what about Mei?'

'that's the problem. look, we'll tell you everything when we get to your house.' she sniffled.

'hold on, why are you bringing JJ?'

'he's on our side now. we'll explain everything when we get home.'

i told the boys that we had to get home before the others, because they were coming back soon.

we got home just as they were coming around the corner.

'where's Mei?' Lucas asked.

'we'll tell you later.' Josh answered.

i unlocked the door, and Ivory, JJ, Tobi, Josh and i went upstairs, and left Vik, Ethan and Lucas outside.

once into my room i shut the door behind us, and turned to the group of people who all looked very flustered. i looked over to Ivory, and she was crying, just as she sounded.

'what the fuck?! what happened?' i engulfed Ivory in a hug, and she sobbed onto my shoulder as JJ explained.

'okay, so it started off as Simon flirting with Mei. i don't know why, he knows she's dating Lucas and all but he's a little bit fucked. i kinda came to that whole realisation today, that's why i'm here with you, instead.'

'anyway, long story short, they started making out when we got back to his house again, and i tried telling him not to, since she had a boyfriend, and Ivory tried telling Mei not to.' Tobi interjected.

'it all got really out of hand and we just didn't want to be there while she cheated on her boyfriend, man. it's messed up.' Josh said.

'why is Ivory crying?' i demanded.

'i j-just feel really-y bad for L-Luc-cas.' Ivory got out.

'we've gotta tell him, guys. we can't do this to him.' i said.

'you stay here, i'll tell him.' Jide said, since they were long-time friends.

i watched out the window as Lucas' facial expressions changed, and he ended up crying. Ethan and Vik comforted him while JJ came back up to get us.

'hey, Lucas, you alright?' i went up to him, and gave him a hug.

'y'know what? let's make tonight about you. we're gonna have the greatest time, and Mei won't even be around for it. okay?' i lifted his head and smiled at him, and he smiled back.

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