Out of this world. OK most of the characters pictures are anime but that's all I have so, just image them as human with animal powers. ✌ thank y'all the best.
"Brisa and Paris get y'all ass up now or your going to be late!" Yelled Paris mom. We both groaned ok. Paris ran to the bath room. Nocking on the door an said," Paris hurry up I need to take a shower." I heard her giggling and opened the all ready dress , hair, and make up done .
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I just groaned and said," why do you have to be so loud in the morning and out so I can take a shower before school thank you.?!?." Paris just giggled and walked down the stair too her mother. I smiled and carried my clothes and shoes with me while I took out my phone , boom speaker , turn on my music, putting me clothes on the conner ,and got in the shower. Taking a 30 min. shower. I'd wash my hair shivered the need areas. Getting out of the shower and wrap my hair in a towel an wraps a towel around my body and walks to our closest and get dress in my black dress and my black and white jacket and my red converse. ( Minus the bag)
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Grabing my IPhone6 and walks out of my room I headed down stairs to see Paris sitting on the counter playing on her IPhone6 and Martha making eggs, pan cakes, and bacon. I smile and say dang mom your the best ever. ( akaMartha& Jasonislikeamomand dadtoBrisa ) Mom just giggles and says Brisa you tell me that ever day. Before I can say any more daddy comes out sniffing the air and I promise you could literally we could see drool come out of his mouth... Mom said ," Jason honey wipe the side of your mouth." Paris jumps of the counter and walks over to and starts giggling and so did I and said dad your so silly. He just narrowed his eye and started to walk towards all stalker like. Paris and I started to run to the door and I picked up my skateboard at the door before we could run dad grabbed us by the waist and said," !y'all ain't going anywhere until y'all eat." We giggles and said OK. I dropped my skateboard and get to my plate.. That's when all of a sudden my Fox's ears came out with my nine tales . Paris started to giggle and say Brisa your ears and your nine tale are out. My eyes widen and I say what ?????.? And look behind me an see my tales. I giggle and said Paris it your turn. And right on que her wings came out.