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Storming out to the gym I'm so pissed , why the hell does he think that he can just take my stuff.  No one ever does this not even my own father 
* well that's a lie. he does but he is never around to do it so their no point in it . I have never been grounded hell I never been punish by my father. Its always your old enough to know right from or it just his attitude towards me like * I don't give a fuck your just like your mother theirs no point in trying to ground you ....* How can he just write me off as being a whore like my dear mother. *
Walking  into the gym I go straight to the weight room for the punching bag.  Their is no on e in there so I just put on some boxing gloves on and goes off all I can is red nothing more . punching left and right doing combos doing kick anything and everything. I can do just to let out angry.
* yeah yeah I know! I am a girl how much damage can I do right, well wrong ! I don't like getting pissed off but when I do, I don't think straight I just act out and someone always gets hurt.*
Finally I have calm down and can go to my actual class.  Skating back to Ms. Davis class room I come to Kryos  fighting with Matthew over god knows what. All I want to do is relax so I shift into my fox form and crawl under a table and fall asleep.  Well try to any ways but both of the bastards don't know how to shut the fuck up so I growled at the both of them. Which didn't bother them it just amused Matthew but not so much Kryos he just seemed hurt at the fact I did that but I don't care I'm to fucking tired. woooh wait a moment were the hell is Paris and Jacob.. Well if I know Paris she is probably calling my dad and tell him what just happen to me.... It not like he give a fuck about anything I do, but he use to when I was little. Never mind that, why does Kryos look hurt.
Kryos POV*************************************
Arguing with Matthew over Brisa sketchbook that I ran off with. Uggh why the fuck can't he just stop being so noisy.  While me and Matthew were arguing Brisa walked in an shifted into her fox form and when under a table... Not caring we continued to argued until we heard a growl coming from under the table. I looked from were it came from to see a pissed off Brisa that looked tried. I really felt hurt but when I looked out the corner of my eye I see that Matthew is just amused and that pissed me off. Instead of arguing with him anymore I when over to Brisa and picked her up and placed her in my lap. At first she jumped off my lap and glared at me but within a couple of minute passed. Brisa jumped back in my lap an curled up into a ball an sleep....
Thinking about if I should pet her or not. I really don't know if she would like that considering that I pissed her off already but she is so cutie mad and furious it so adorable but, I don't want her to hate me thought. Getting broken out of my thought by Jacob and Paris with wide eyes. I just rolled my eyes and said," she was tired an pissed the fuck off at me an Matthew because we were arguing when she was trying to sleep. So I end up picking her up an placing her in my lap but she jump off and jumped back here in my lap... " Paris just smiled and took Brisa out of my lap and then Brisa growled at her... Chuckling at Paris and Jacobs face expression. That was when Brisa started to wake up and shift back to her human form while she was still in my lap. All I could do is smile an smell her scent it was a mixture of strawberries and kiwis. Paris an Jacobs looked surprised at her for awhile. All I could do is laugh at them an that's when Brisa turns around and looks at me confused an then blushes as she realizes that she is in my lap and jumps out of my lap an says sorry... I smiled and walked off towards my car.
Thinking to my self  damn she to adorable and she just shifted back in my lap like bruh I wanted her to stay there.. I truly don't understand what I'm feeling because, she a fox an I'm a wolf it can't be! Can it? Hmm I guess I will just have to ask some of my friends in Germany because, it ain't like my father going to know about any of this all he thinks about I'd work ever since we moved here to NashvilleI don't have my mom any more so I can't to her and I don't know any of her family other than her sister but I think she moved some where but were at ugggh.
Getting to my car I open the door and started it and started to drove off when I see Matthew stop Brisa and smoked at her and asked her if she wanted a ride home but she declined it and walled off I chuckled to myself and drive off watch her from my mirror she was going opposite of Paris I thought they were sisters or something but never mind I need to get home.

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