Out of this world. OK most of the characters pictures are anime but that's all I have so, just image them as human with animal powers. ✌ thank y'all the best.
Following the smell I ended up in the middle of two Wolf's about to fight but they seen me an started to go after me. I scared out of my live I couldn't move a muscle. They attacked jumping out the way but it didn't help none because their two of them. Getting bit in my back leg and my front leg. Toughening out I attack them back getting ones face and the others breaking it arm,but with only that I was out number and was hurting like hell. One of them attacked my waist and that took me out. I fell to the ground an curled up in a ball and started to whimpering. Kryos***************************************** I had the feeling that something was horrible was about to happen and Brisa hasn't came back yet from the run she took. When the bell rang to go to lunch I was no freaking the fuck out and told Paris to cover me and I popped out my wolf ear and I heard whimpering whispering to Paris and I could see she was crying. Curiously I asked what's wrong? She told me to follow and you better be fast. Chuckling a little an looked around and I didn't she's her, damn she wasn't kidding! Running after her I see her an Jacob go into the wood turning into my animal form.
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Running after them I hear it again whimpering , but its soft this time like something is die. My eyes widened and I run fast after them. When we get their Jacob looks different and so does Paris their normal nice peaceful self's they were pissed. When I finally got over to her I seen the bit marks and knew who did this them basters are here. Change into my animal and human form.
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I picking Brisa I walk back to with her in my arm when all of a sudden she changes into her human and animal form.
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looking at her worried shit less. I hear her heart beat and it quicken a little so she not dead but she could of been. I get close to the school and I sniff them their following me. Why though they need to leave and need to stop hurting people. Getting to the school I went straight to Ms. Davis room hopefully she doesn't have a class. Because if she does we're fucked. Paris when in first to see and she didn't we got lucky. Walking in her room she asked ," what happen ,and who did this." Paris and Jacob put 8 desk together and I placed her safely on the desk. When I was about to move away from her; she grabbed my shirt and whispered (Pleasedon'tleave. Ineedyou. Hecan'tknowwhathappened. Parisheistheone. ) My eyes widen to what she has said. Thinking to myself what does she me he is she talking about me or something because it can't be I'm her enemy. I know wolfs did this their stint is all over her. Ms. Davis told me and Jacob to get out because she had to..... Ummm... Undressed her and said to pair that Brisa was going to need a new pair of clothes that will cover her whole body because it was that bad. We walked out and Paris when outside and took off flying to Brisa house I guess. ParisPOV************************************* Flying to my house and getting one of my bags and get one of her long sleeves and black pants and pair of black boots.
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Getting back to the school and walk in side to see Kryos ears out and was whimpering like he was worried and Jacob wings are out like trying to comfort Kryos and then I hear her crying in pain an that's when Kryos bust throw the door and seen how bad it was walking in I can see that she is going to have scars. Ms. Davis was about done when Kryos traces his finger tips gently over her stitches and she whimpered when he did. He moved his fingers quickly and whimpered even louder. I sighed at the fact he actually cares. I put the bag in a chair an opened it taking out her clothes. BrisaPOV************************************* When Ms. Davis was stitching me up I groaned in pain , crying at how bad it hurts. When she about done Kryos busted throw the door and seen how bad I got attacked. His eyes soften when he touched the stitch on my side as softly as he could but it didn't work I still hissed in pain. Paris had brought me clothes to change into. Standing up slow will groaning I get my long sleeve putting it on while biting my bottom lip from the pain. Trying to put my pants on I cried out in pain again but when I was about to put on my boot Kryos took them out of my hand and told me to sit. I don't want to hear you cry and groan in pain any more it pains me. So let me put them on for you Brisa. Blushing a little and nods, when he finished Paris came over to me and asked," Do you wanted your hair brush." I nodded and took it out if her hand and started to brush my hair when Matthew came in and was looking pissed off. Out of know were he grabbed me by the waist pulling me into his chest making me cry out in pain. Matthew looked at me weird then he sniffed me and he started to growl at Kryos. I finally had it and stomped on his foot and went over to Kryos and whispered ,"he knows what happen, but we haven't left Ms. Davis room yet. " Then I thought about it , it hit me like dude he is a fox too.