Out of this world. OK most of the characters pictures are anime but that's all I have so, just image them as human with animal powers. ✌ thank y'all the best.
Matthew POV***************** Why the fuck is Kryoswhimperingover Brisa. Wait a minute does BrisahavethatspeciallinkwithKryos. Itcan'tbeheisawolf andsheisafoxtheirenemies. Plus, Iknowthewoundshehasarefromwolfbutthesmellofthemtheirnotfromheretheir from Germany. Getting out of my thoughts I see that Brisa is near Kryos whispering something were I can't hear. I fucking hate it when she does that. I finally had enough and asked," what are you talking about hmm Brisa. If you think that I wouldn't find out my love, then you got another think coming my love." I smiled sweetly at her and him and then out of know were I hear Brisa growl out," I am not your love for one. Secondly, never fucking act like I'm yours because I'm not and never will be. Thirdly, leave me the fuck alone you creep. Fourthly, if you ever do that again your dead." KryosPOV******************** Snickering at what Brisa said to Matthew. I hear him chuckle out ooh Brisa babe you know your mine. That just pissed me the fuck off because I see no marks on her that claims that she is his. Growling out I say," Matthew fuck off your just making matter worst you jackass. And don't you ever called her babe or mine because she ain't your you bastered." Out the corner of my eye I can tell Brisa is shocked at my out burst. But she is smiling and giggling a little now that shocked me why is she doing that she isn't mine but, then again why did I stand up for her as if she was mine. Before anymore words were said Ms. Davis cut us off and said, " The both of you quit and go to class. Brisa you be able to go to class an so want your skateboard ?" Brisa nods and walks off getting her skateboard going to the 7th period . Matthew tried to go after Brisa but I cut him and glare at telling him to stay away from her. Walking after her but she was already gone to her next class which I don't even know what my next class is. Hopefully Paris or Jacob can tell me where Art class is. Looking around for either one of them I find them at what I think is Paris locker. Walking over to them I ask were I'd the Art classroom is and they just point me to Brisa which she was at her locker getting her sketch book. They both told me you better hurry if you want to catch her. BrisaPOV********************* Getting my sketch book out of my locker and lock it back up. I was poked from behind turning around to find Kryos was doing it. He cleared his throat and asked do you know were the art room is? While scratching the back of his neck. I smile and rolls my eye and started to skate out of the building jumped the stairs and land it. Going all the way to what use to be the work shop building. Stepping on the end of my board I stop and pick up my board and turn around and said," here is Art class." ⓣⓗⓘⓝⓚⓘⓝⓖ ⓣⓞ my ⓢⓔⓛⓕ ⓦⓗⓨ ⓘ ⓐⓜ ⓝⓞⓣ ⓗⓤⓡⓣⓘⓝⓖ ⓘ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ ⓖⓞⓣ ⓐⓣⓣⓐⓒⓚⓔⓓ ⓑⓨ ⓦⓞⓛⓕⓢ. ⓘ'ⓜ ⓝⓞⓣ ⓛⓘⓚⓔ ⓚⓡⓨⓞⓢ ⓘⓝ ⓐⓝⓨ ⓦⓐⓨ ⓑⓤⓣ ⓒⓐⓝ ⓘⓣ. Getting into class the teacher already has our assignment on the board. Setting my sketch book down on the back table were i normally sit well, until now anyways. Without saying anything I go to the bathroom and lock the door pulling up my shirt I can tell that my stitches were no long need, but that can't be Ms. Davis just did them. Sighing and tried to undo them. Thinking damn it I can't do this myself I'm going to have to get help from Kryos. Unlocking the door I walk over to Kryos and take a sit I gentle an I mean gentle nudge his shoulder and quickly get to my drawing but , damn his wolf senses. He looks ups from what he is doing an asks," what u need niedlich ." Blushing a little. I know alittleGermanandhe just called me cutie. IguesshewillfindoutIknowwhathesaid. Whispering in his ear ," Kryos my stitches I don't need them any more this is weird I normally would need them for like a week or two but, not this time. So , I'm going to need your help cutting them, Liebe." Kryos eyes widen when he finds out I can speak German. Giggling at him I pick up the scissors and go to the bathroom. I had already took off my shirt and cut the ones I could get turning around to see Kryos hitting his bottom lip. I clear my throat and get his attention an I hand him the scissors. Moving my hair out the way he begins to cut the string she used. When he gets done he traces his fingers with the on scar that I will have on my right side of the ribs. Shivering at his touch and he softly whispers schön. Smiling and blushes putting my shirt back on I walk out the bathroom and sitting down at the table again. I start on my drawing. Making sure I do the finishing touches. I ended up with a couple that looked like they were in love. Thinking what the fuck.
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Shaking my head thinking why did I draw this and since when do I draw love. Feeling someone's eyes on my drawing I look up to see Kryos looking at it and the snatches it out of my hands and starts erasing the faces a d their hair. I just roll my eyes and tell him to give it back now. Kryos simply says no. "Ughhh and why not." I said. He just begins to chuckle and the bell rings trying to get my sketch book but he all ready has it in his hand walking out. Getting pissed off I just walk out and go to the gym.