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Kryos POV
At some point we had fallen asleep after watching the movie. Waking up to see Brisa on top of me holding on for dear life like she was scared of something. I couldn't help be stroke her soft hair when she groans and whispers a whine Kryos stop messing with my hair I'm trying sleeping and Snuggles into my chest even more then slowly starts to run her hand up and down my chest . I couldn't help but love the feeling. But sadly ever great an amazing thing had to come to and end when my phone goes off to tell us we need to go to the hell hole * a.k.a school* She starts to groan again 15 more minutes please ... I just chuckle and says ," Sorry liebe we have to get up unless you want people to start thing we did it and are a couple now. If so then we can stay right in this bed all day until you want to leave but if not ..." Before I could finish she sit up on top of me and smiles wickedly and says," awww liebe, you thing I would care what the hell they think about me your so funny because, I don't their to scared of my sorry excuse of a father to start rumors about me." I was shocked on how she hates her own dad but I guest she has her reasons. Shacks my head and puts my hands on her hips and smiles loving the position we are in. But yet again it was ruined when my new friend Lucas barges throw my bed room door saying " the fuck bro, we have to be at school...
Ooh shit I'm soooo sorry!!!!!" I just growl and groan then look up at Brisa to see that she is blushing like crazy and is slowly getting off me. Then she stutters out, " u- uum I- I think I should go thanks again K-K- Kryos.." Running out my room blushing even more and I could hear Lucas chuckling and walks in my room and shut my door and say," Damn you got Brisa Dove Smith to have sex with you on your first day here. Bro tell me how you got into her pants because, no one and I mean no one has before. She always fucks with our pride and says no.!?!.?" I just smirk and said," we didn't do anything I swear. I had called her an she had been scared over something but she tried to hide it. Or something like that but all I could tell is that she had been throw shit and I just wanted her save and way from harm alright. " Getting up out of bed I go into my closet and look for some cloths and gets dressed.

 " Getting up out of bed I go into my closet and look for some cloths and gets dressed

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Lucas asked, " hey man, why do u have to protect her hmnn?!." I just sigh and said ," people that I know want her for some damn reason ." * thinking to myself what can I say ?!! Its not like I can tell him the truth he might be with them hell. I don't know but I think I might know I kinda thinks it Matthew but he has been here for years ...*
Brisa POV**********
I ran out blushing * thinking to myself what the fuck am I doing here why did I stay * Realizing that I forgot my backpack with my clothes in it in his room slowly walking back I hear Lucas and Kryos talking about something not really caring if its about me or not and grabbed my backpack and walked out. Going to their other bathroom doing my businesses and got dressed in ( cut off sleeve shirt , ripped jeans, black convers with stud's. And eating and an ACDC bracket and schades.)

Walking out of the bathroom with my hair a little damp but not to much

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Walking out of the bathroom with my hair a little damp but not to much. Walks down the stairs to hear Kryos car sounding like shit I wonder why? * he needs a whole new motor and shit .. But it not like he's gonna listen to me .. Lol what do girls know about motors ...* Getting to the front door both boys stair at me like I'm some weirdo.. Like haven't they seen a tomboy before hello... Laughing at their faces and say," Boy's it needs a whole new motor ." And gets into my car driving off to the WONDERFUL HELL WHOLE YAY !!! * please note screams * Once I got to school Pair and Jacob run towards my car with worried looks on their faces. " Brisa Dove Smith why the hell haven't you answer any of our calls!!!" Pairs yells at me . I open my door and get out to look for my phone to only see that I forgotten it. So I turn around and said," umm Paris I'm sorry but me my dad got into a fight again and my phone I guess die when I went for a run yesterday night and I kinda might have end up sleeping over at Kryos house...." Walking off really fast but almost got hit by Matthews truck. But Kryos pulled me back before I could get hit. My eyes widen and my plus was racing; I was scared I  almost die because of that damn idiot....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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