Out of this world. OK most of the characters pictures are anime but that's all I have so, just image them as human with animal powers. ✌ thank y'all the best.
Giggling at Paris because her wing came out and I have to say they were flawless. After all that we got done with our breakfast. I walk to my skateboard and Paris followed me out side and she let out her wings again and asked me if I wanted to get a ride. Giggling at what she said. I just shack my head no you go on ahead... She fly's off to school and I skateboard there it about like 30 minutes for me well because I'm a fox.. Getting to school I meet up with Paris with her boyfriend Jacob in his cherry red Camaro. KryosPOV*********************************** When I woke up I looked around my room to see it filled with boxes from the move. Groaning knowing I have to get dressed and go to a new hell hole of a school. Walking to my bathroom and takes a shower and does my business. I get out and wrap a towel around my waist and goes to a box that says clothes on it and get out my blue shirt , a pair of blue jeans ,and gray benny ,an Nike's.
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Walking out my room and head down stairs I don't hear my father so I just grab my keys to my black with red strip Camaro walks out to it driving off to school with the radio blasting listen to Nickel Back : Rockstar. When I get to my new school people look at me weird. I just rolled it off like it was nothing. Parking my car and get out I looked around an see everyone crowd around a Camaro. Thinking what the fuck are they surrounding it an why? Out of curiosity I push people out of the way until this guy grabbed my arm tightly. I pulled my arm away and said," Fuck off man. " It must of had pissed him off because he socked me in the jaw. BrisaPOV ************************************* Walking to the school building out the corner of my eye I see some kid get punched in his jaw giving my skateboard to run over there before he could get punched again standing in between the new kid and Matthew holding his next punched and he eyed me with confused meant in his eyes pushing % away. Crouching down starting to look at his jaw and see that he has a busted lip and swollen jaw. Given out my out to him he takes it but he was hesitate when he did. I shyly and softly said my name is Brisa and ran back to my friends. He just looked at me confused or at looked furious at Matthew. When I get to Paris and Jacob they ask me," why I did that plus, you never just tell someone your name like that?" I just say ," I really don't know its weird like he is my..... " In my train of thought all the way to my first class which is theater arts. When Paris nudges my shoulder and whisper ," I know what you were thinking but could he be one of us or some different creator like a wolf, a fox just like Matthew and you ,or a angel like Jacob an me." Giggling at her face because she has that smile. I get to my desk and sit on top of it talking to her when the teacher walks in Ms. Davis and said," we have a new student in our she class and his name is Kryos." That's when he walks in and I eye his jaw ain't swollen at all and his busted lip is now just like a scar. That's when it clicked he is a wolf! Out of my curiosity my fox ears popped out and he must have seen because he looked over at me and smirked. Paris quickly jumped over in front of me so that no one can see my ears I giggled softly at her sudden protection. I hided my ears and she whispers and says," why did you do that. Wait your curious and do you know what he is now because I do?" Nodding my head I whisper in her ear an tell her he is a wolf and he is my enemy but their is something about him that's different?!." She smiles ,giggles and was about to says something but was cut off by Ms. Davis telling just Paris and I that we will have a new person with us when we go outside 8th period. We told her OK. Walking back to her desk she tells Kryos to sit next to me and say to raise my hand so I do as told and he just smirks again as if he I'm his prey . I roll my eye and pay attention to what she was about to put on the smart board when I get poked on the side of my ribs really hard, so I turn around and whispered," What the fuck do you want Kryos ?" He looks at me shocked and I see his bright light blue eye go dark and he said," chick you need to take a chill pile and I guess I wanted to say you had now reason to save me from that fox what's his name Matthew I could have taken him with out a doubt. " I just narrowed my eye at him and turned around again. Throughout the that class I was poked in the ribs but when the bell rang I grabbed my skateboard and rolled to my next class leaving Paris to dill with Kryos. ParisPOV************************************* Shocked at Brisa quickness I turn around to get my things and see Kryos smiling. When everyone leaves I cleared my throat and said," I guess you need a guide or are you good wolf boy that cab finds his way and if I were you never call Brisa a chick if you know what's good for you." He looked at me shocked and said," how did you know I was a wolf hmm angel girl and yeah u can.?" I glared at him and said," because my friend that you pissed off is a fox and you got her curious this morning at how different you are." Seeing him smirk at what I said made me mad. So I just walked off and found Brisa with Jacob talking about Kryos probably and how he will be with us 8th period. KryosPOV************************************* Smirking at what I did to Brisa. Thinking tomyselfdamnshefuckinghotas hell and when her ear popped out she was adorable, but she'safoxwecan'tbetogetheranyways. That'sdoesn'tmeanIcan'tmesswithher, butInevermeanttopissher offbutdamnshewasevenhottermad. I get snapped out of my train of thought by her. Brisa tells me that she is sorry for snapping at me. She was about to walk off but I grab her arm and her eyes go wide and I could see her bright diamond blue eyes. I smiled sweetly at her and said," Brisa your acting but I can see your sorry but your way to proud to really say it without acting, but its the though that counts." She just rolled her eyes and laugh and told me to come on and follow her. So I did but she was riding her skateboard but slow which is weird. I thought she would be scared of me but she is calm. Backtothestory Bring Kryos with me I was scared shit less but I stay calm I see my two favorite angels talking when I came with Kryos Paris looked at me and smiled and said," Did she say sorry or did she act as if she was sorry Kryos." He smirked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I had this weird feeling my ears and nine tales came out and before I knew it I change in to my animal form.
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Landing on my skateboard I heard Kryos chuckle and pick me up and said," Awww your so adorable.!" My eyes go wide and I jump out of his arms and run down the hall and run out the door. When I get outside I heard them call for me but I get on running until I hit the woods. That's when I hear something and I sniff around smell 2 unknown smells that are wolfs not thing I follow them.