My eyes are dry, my throat is sore.
The pain is still there, but I can cry no more.
Your face is fading into the night sky,
At times,barbaric, at times a bit shy.
You said you will be there till infinity and beyond,
Said you will love me when we are wrinkled and not young.
And I gave you my all, instead of past pains,
Thought I will be happy again when it rains.
Slept in your arms feeling snug, whole and warm,
Watched in your hugs all thunders and storms.
Blushed when you pushed me off the edge in the nights,
Smiled and caressed all your moans and sighs.
And now all I have are the tears on my lashes,
Your broken promises, and your pyre burned ashes.
Stupidoscope ✓
PoetryStupidoscope is a collection of my weirdly stupid poems. They are written with no thoughts whatsoever. If you still like them. Let me know. And if you don't then please please definitely let me know.