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This chapter is dedicated to soph_hp , GregisDarwin and Ginny_Luna_Potter who faved my story ! Thank you so much !! ^-^

Remus's pov
    I slowly opened my eyes but the pain in my chest forced me to shut them close again. After a battle of me trying to gain consciousness the tiredness won and so I colapsed on the floor .

Madam Pomfey's pov
    The moon set for about an hour now and I was on my way to the Wimping Willow. I have never seen a werewolf after their transformation before and I was 99% sure I was redy for everything .... I was wrong .

    The smell of blood and dust could be sence from the entrence of the shack, and as I made my way to the room I left Remus last night I grew more scared What if he is already dead? I thought What if I'm to late ? It felt like my heart was about to break my ribs as I slowly opened the door and with a long skeeeak~ my nightmare was reveled .

    I entered a smal room. The furniture was biten and slashed bits of it trown around the room. The walls were bloody and the smell made me sick. As I made my way in the room looking for Remus I noticed red (blood) footprints on the floor. A few big animal-like and the rest little. I followed them just to came face to face to a small body. His white skin was covered in red scars some old brow-like but a few red still bloody. The imagine made me want to puke and cry in the same time but then I remember that I couldn't waste time ,if he lost to much blood it will mean serious (a/n sirius xD) problems. I took my wand and stoped the bleding I will take care of the broken bones when he is in bed I thought .I was about to look for his clothes when
"Ahh mmh~" Remus tried to stand up but failed .
"No ,no deary (a/n deery ok ok I'll stop) you can't stand up just yet " 
Remus's pov
"Ahhh" The pain pulls me back into reality as I try to stand up
"No ,no deary ,you can't stand up just yet"
     Someone is here. Merlin Someone is here Wait did I hurt anyone ? Did I kill anyone ? Did I bit anyone?  (A/N for Remus biting someone is worst then killing )

    I paniked and looked desprate around the room succeding to fall at the same time. Luckly the person chach me before I was able to hit the floor. But as she tried to put me down she touched my ribs (at least 3 broken) and I yelped in pain.
"Oh I'm so sorry Remus" In that moment I took a clear look at the intruder: Madam Pomfey. Oh I was so embarest. Then suddenly I started to feel dizzy and then only darkness.

    The school healer is caring an uncountious naked first year boy to the hospital wing .( I don't want to write about that)

Madam Pomfey's pov
    Dumbledore gave Remus the room in the back of the hospital wing .He tought that when his friends might come to ask about him they will not find him there.

    I watched as Remus slept peacefully in his bed .Poor boy

Sorry !! The chapter is short but I've been writing at it for a week now. I will try to post every Sunday (I know it's Monday but shut up !)

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