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What? Me, Red!? To post two chapters in a week?? What is happening? The end is near!!
!!! I have a request to make so please listen! I think there's a problem with the last chapter so please go back a chapter and tell me what is the last word? Is it Slitherin?  Because if it is then there is a problem and you can't see the hole chapter!!!And tell me the last word of this one too. From now on the last word should be: bye

"(Y/N)!! Wake up!!" I was brutaly woken up by someone who shook the living out of me.
"James? What are you doing in the girls dorm?"
"Well.." He started but didn't finish. "That doesn't matter! You have to get ready" He said proudly
"Get ready? Get ready for what?" I was getting more confused by the second
"What do you mean what? The trials!! Quidditch remember?" It hit me back like a thunder and a smile spread across my face. He saw and returned it. "It's 7 now, you have an hour to get ready, then we have breakfast and go to the quidditch feald" He said using was Sirius liked to call his "lider voice".
"Yes sir!" I responded while giving him a fake salute.
He gave me a last glare before closings the door.

In that moment I felt an urge to turn around and continue sleeping but the thought of me holding the golden snitch while the crowd behind me was cheering loudly made me get out of bed and hop into the shower and dress myself.

The clock read 7:30 by the time I was ready. Because everyone else was still asleep, I decided that I could reread my favorite book until 8:00, so closing the curtain of my bed I accio it and started reading.

"(Y/N)? Are you awake?" I putted the book aside and opened the curtain.

Sophie was standing there looking a bit agitated, her medium pink hair was standing tidy on her small shoulders.

"Where are the others?" I asked now out of the bed

"They're already at breakfast! Hurry, we are already late" She said quickly

"What time is it?" I asked as I took my quidditch echupment.

"8:20!" My eyes widen and I started panicking

A few thoughts crossed my mind "I am going to be late to the trials!!" and "What if They don't let me do it?"

"(Y/N)!!" James blasted through the door making Sophie scream. He was already in his quidditch echipment

"James! We are late!" I yeald with my own echipment still in my hands

"I know!!" He grabed my hand and dragged me out of the room.

"Merlin, James!!" I yealed as I picked up pieces of echipment that were now on the ground "What the heck?!" I saw him open the portrait and ran.  I ran after him.

Even if the equipment was heavy I managed to keep up with him and only got there 20 seconds after him. At witch Madame Hooch was pretty impressed but mad for being late.

I turned my head and looked at the small crowd: I saw Remus and Sirius waving at us. My eyes landed on Shara who probably dragged after her the other two girls: Lily and Ella (my other roommate) Lily was reading a book and Ella had an interesting discussion with Shara about... Something I couldn't hear.

"Alright!" Madame Hooch yealed making me snap out of my small trance. Then she pointed at a tall boy next to her. He was talking with a boy from a group of people behind her.

"He is the Chapten and keeper of the Gryffindor team! He will chose two of you to join. Felix?" The boy stepped in front and started what was supposed to be an inspirational speech.

"Listen up wimps! You are fighting today for two positions in the team! Cheaser because Anne graduated and Seeker because Gabe retaiered after an...." Accident"." A few murmurs started. I chould hear a discussion close from a group of 7 years.
"I heared he fell off the brom and he almost died at the first training this year" That remark made me a bit uncomfortable but I pushed away the fealing and replace it with the fealing of the wind blowing in my hair the first time I rided my broom.

 The Marauders Era (RemusLupinxReader)Where stories live. Discover now