Chapter 4: Mr. Burks (Edited)

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Ash, Axl, and Cass start heading to Ash's house. Axl was holding a box of pizza. They pass by Ethan's place. He's trying to pull out a black trunk but is struggling. They all see him

Axl: Is that him?

Ash: Yup Cass's...

Cass: Shut up Ash

Ethan let's the handle go in frustration

Ethan: Come on you son of a...

Axl: Need help with that?!

Ethan looks at him

Ethan: Yeah! This is the last thing I need to take inside

Axl looks at Ash

Axl: Hold this please

He gives her the pizza box then runs over to him. He goes to the other side of the trunk and grabs the handle

Ethan: On three. One... two... three

They both lift and take it out of the truck, taking it inside his house

Axl: This is really heavy; what do you have in there?

Ethan: Books

Axl: Shit. That's a lot of books

Ethan smiles

Ethan: What can I say? I love to read

Axl laughs to himself

Axl: I can see that

They set it down in the living room and catch their breaths. Ash and Cass stand by the front door and watch

Ethan: Thanks for the help

Axl: No problem man. I'm Axl by the way

He sticks his hand out to him. Ethan grabs and shakes it

Ethan: Ethan Burks

Axl: I believe you already met those two over there

He points at Ash and Cass. Ethan looks. They smile and wave. He does the same

Ethan: Yes I have. Hello again ladies

Ash nods

Cass: Hi again

Ash shakes her head. Axl tries not to laugh

Ethan: So; do you all live together?

Axl: No but we're always at Ash's place. We have pizza if you wanted some?

Ethan: Thanks but I'm good. I have a lot of unpacking to do

Axl: Hey say no more, unpacking is the biggest bitch of moving. Especially from all those books you have

Ethan: Eh, that's nothing compared to the other things I have

Axl laughs

Axl: If you say so. Well we got to go eat this pizza before it gets cold but it was nice meeting you Mr. Burks

Ethan: Same to you Axl

Ash: Later Mr. Burks

Ethan: Bye Ash

Cass: See ya Ethan

Ash and Axl look at her then at each other. Ethan smiles

Ethan: See you to Cassidy

Axl goes to the front door as they all leave. Ethan stands by the door and watches them. They continue to walk to Ash's house. Ash and Axl stare at Cass who has a big smile on her face

Axl: See ya Ethan?

Cass looks at him

Cass: What?

Ash: You are totally after him

Cass makes a disgusted look

Cass: Am not!

Axl: Wow Ash was right, you are so into him

Cass: I was just being nice jeez

Axl: *moaning* oh Ethan

Cass's jaw drops. Ash starts laughing

Cass: Shut up Axl!

He moans Ethan's name louder to embarrass her

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He moans Ethan's name louder to embarrass her. Cass looks back. Ethan's staring at them so she shoves Axl

Cass: Shut up he's right there!

Ash and Axl look back and start laughing when they see him. Ash looks at Cass. Her face is red

Ash: Why are you blushing Cass?

She folds her arms

Cass: Shut up Ash

Axl: Aw you do like him

Cass: I hate you guys

Ash wraps her arm around Cass's neck

Ash: We love you to Cass

They reach the house and head inside. They eat the pizza

Two Hours Later...

They change into their swim suits and head into the backyard. Ash and Axl jump into the pool while Cass turns the music on and heads in. Ethan's watching them from the window. He sees Ash and Axl making out in the middle of the pool. Cass swims over to them

Cass: Get a room you two

She splashes them. They laugh and splash her back. Ethan walks away from the window

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