Chapter 31 : Regret (New Chapter)

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Everyone is at the table. Ethan at one end, Ash at the other end, Ms. Child's sitting next to Ethan, Axl sitting next to Ash, Cliff sitting in the corner next to Ash, and Cass sitting next to Cliff. Cliff was tied to down to his chair with his mouth gagged while everyone else had both hands free. Everyone was eating except Cliff, Ash, and Axl. Axl was trying to figure out how to drink his soup with his broken hands. He gets frustrated but instead of getting mad, he breaks down in tears. Everyone looks at him. Ethan smirks while drinking. Ash is disgusted so she folds her arms. Ethan notices then let's out a sigh

Ethan: Ash

She looks at him

Ethan: You're not eating the food I made for you

Ash: I'm not hungry

Ethan: You're not hungry? You haven't eaten all day

Ash: I lost my appetite from looking at you

Everyone stops eating and looks at her except Axl, he keeps his head down

Ethan: Excuse me?

Ash: What? Are you deaf now? You heard what I said

Axl *whispers* Ash, don't

Ethan: Now listen here...

Ash: We don't have to take your shit anymore Ethan! We can do whatever the hell we want, when we want and don't have to listen to your stupid rules!

She grabs Axl's hand. Axl looks at her then at Ethan with a panicked look

Ash: And you can't do anything about it; you know why?!

He just stares at her while eating

Ash: Because of this thing inside me!

He stops eating then sits up

Ash: Aw did that hurt your feelings?! Me calling it a thing?! Well that's what it is you sick motherfucker! Too bad your precious dead little girl couldn't see her daddy now! What he's become!

He glares. Everyone looks at him to see his reaction. He notices

Ethan: Eat

They all do

Ash: Look at you Ethan, you're pathetic! Ordering everyone around like we're slaves! No wonder the mother of your child left you. She couldn't handle a pussy like you!

Ethan tightens his grip. His heart begins to beat fast as his blood boils in rage

Ms. Childs: Ethan

Only his eyes look at her

Ms. Childs: Can you pass the salt please?

Ash: Only a man knows how to take care of his wife and child!

He puts his finger on the salt bottle and pushes it to her

Ms Childs: Thank you

Ash: But you're not a man Ethan! Who the hell would want to be with you anyway?!

Ms. Child's pours the salt on her food and starts eating so she doesn't anger Ethan. She looks at Ash

Ash: A sad lonely man that couldn't even save his own daughter!

Ash catches her breath then let's out a smirk. It's a moment of silence until Ethan lifts his hands and starts clapping slowly

Ethan: Wow Ash, just wow. You actually had the balls to talk to me that way? To talk about my daughter like that?

A tear slides down his face but he's smiling

Ethan: My baby Ash? To disrespect her death? To call OUR child a thing? And then you have the audacity to smirk at me after that. Wow, fucking wow. I thought I've seen it all from you but you just keep surprising me

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